Persyaratan Umum
1. Warga Negara Indonesia, dibuktikan dengan: fotokopi KTP atau Kartu Dinas Pegawai Negeri
2. Diterima di salah satu program master yang diselenggarakan oleh institusi pendidikan tinggi di Belanda, dibuktikan dengan: Surat Penerimaan (letter of acceptance / admission letter) dari universitas di Belanda yang mencantumkan dengan jelas nama program studi, tanggal awal dan akhir program studi yang dipilih serta total biaya...
Feb 9, 2015
Pendaftaran Beasiswa Tahfizh Al-Quran di Turki Dibuka 1 Maret 2015
KEMENTERIAN Agama melalui Direktorat Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren kembali membuka Program Beasiswa Tahfizh Al-Quran (PBTQ). Seleksi peserta program beasiswa ini dibuka mulai 1 Maret – 22 April 2015.
Kementerian Agama telah menetapkan beberapa program prioritas di tahun 2015. Salah satunya adalah pengembangan kemampuan santri dalam bidang Al-Quran.
10:54 AM
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2015 International Research Candidate Scholarships
Semester 1, 2015 International Research Candidate Scholarships - NOW CLOSED
Results released from 23 October 2014
Semester 2, 2015 International Research Candidate Scholarships
Open: 2 September 2014Close: 26 February 2015Results released from 22 April 2015
Out of Round Tuition Fee Scholarships may be available...
University of Toronto
University of Toronto was established in 1827. This university is a public research university of Canada, located in Toronto. This university is considered as the best university of Canada. In 2014 university world ranking, this university was at Rank 20th position. The campus of University of Toronto is very large covering total 71 acres of land. Amount of students is also high. About 35,000 undergraduate students and...
Feb 1, 2015
9:55 AM
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The National Yang-Ming University is offering scholarship grants for
newly enrolled students of the Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Program
in Biomedical Sciences 2015/2016.
The scholarship awards prospective students with NT$ 40,000 (~US$ 1,300) per month upon enrollment.
Registration period: Dec.1, 2014 ~ Apr. 20, 2015
Registration link:
NYMU - Office of International Affairs
For more information,...
9:53 AM
Applicants must serve as faculty members at any private or state
higher education institutions. This research grant is for Indonesian
scholars who have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional
qualifications. The grant affords Indonesian scholars the opportunity to
conduct research in the U.S.
for a period of three to six months. Even
though a proof of English Proficiency is not required, applicants should
also be able to demonstrate...
8:52 AM
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Applicants must be English language teachers or currently in training
to become the English language teacher and must be able to demonstrate a
commitment to language teaching upon return to Indonesia following the
The program is for one academic year (9 months) and requires the
grantee to teach Indonesian/Javanese language and culture in the U.S.
for 20 hours per week, and to Enroll in at least two U.S. Studies and /
or ESL methodology...
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