This international educational exchange program enables individuals to study at a community college in the United States to develop professional skills.
Eligible fields are Business Management and Administration; Tourism and Hospitality Management; Health Professions, including Nursing; Media; Information Technology; Agriculture; and Engineering Science.
To apply to the program, candidates must:
Have completed a secondary school education; D1, D2, D3 and S1
Preference will be given to High School Diploma
Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree are eligible if they are applying in a field different from the field of their degree and have relevant work experience in the field for which they are applying.
Applicants with MA or PhD degrees are not eligible to participate.
Have relevant work experience in the field in which they are applying;
Have English language skills that provide a basis for enrolling in academic coursework;
Submit a complete application;
Minimum Institutional TOEFL score 500 or TOEIC score 650 atau IELTS 5.0 (only scores less than 2 years old are valid).
The Community College Summit Initiative Program will provide funding for round-trip airfare to the U.S.; a living allowance during English language, academic, and practical training program components; tuition costs; health insurance; and cultural enhancement activities. Students will be hosted in groups by community colleges competitively selected to participate in the program. Students are required to return home at the end of their program and may not transfer to a four-year U.S. academic institution.
Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the application deadline that includes:
Completed application form.
Copy of your most recent, less than two years old, TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS score report.
Copy of high school diploma (English translation).
Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).
Please send the application package to AMINEF Office at CIMB NIAGA Plaza, 3rd Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25, Jakarta 12920. Shall you decide to send your application by mail, please send them to the following address: AMINEF, PO BOX 2939, JKP 10029.
For additional information, contact
The deadline for the submission of application materials is November 1, 2011.
We do not accept email applications. Hard copies must be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.
The form can be downloaded here:
To download form click here
For more information, please visit official website:
Oct 2, 2011
6:34 AM
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