DIKTI – NESO PhD Scholarships on co-sharing basis
Nuffic Neso Indonesia will sign an agreement with the Directorate General for Higher Education (DIKTI) of the Indonesian Ministry for National Education in which budget for an additional 50 PhD’s for the Netherlands will be made available through a so called ‘special channel’. Already about 100 Indonesian lecturers receive annually a so called DIKTI scholarship for further study in the Netherlands through the normal application channel for PhD, Post Doc, Masters and academic refreshing training.
To increase the number and the quality of the PhD applicants, and to make the program more efficient, a special or short cut channel will be created alongside the already existing application channel. To qualify for the special channel, a Dutch professor has to nominate and accept the potential Indonesian candidate and the Dutch Higher Education Institution (HEI) has to guarantee to finance the last (fourth) year of the scholarship. All subject areas of research are accepted. If these requirements are met and the candidate fulfils the basic requirements of DIKTI, the scholarship will be automatically awarded without further selection by DIKTI. The Dutch professors/research schools play a crucial role in identifying potential candidates, for instance based on the experience with these candidates when they were pursuing their master’s degree in the Netherlands.
Thus far the DIKTI scholarships for PhD covers maximum a period of three years. This scheme will only apply for full time lecturers or candidate lecturers employed at Indonesian state and private universities, as is also the case with the regular channel. Only if more than 50 eligible PhD candidates apply on annual basis through this special channel, additional selection will take place by a selection committee. The deadline for application for the special channel will be December 1, 2011; selection is expected to take place in January 2012 and the announcement in March 2012.
The application process consists of two parallel procedures, one for the PhD candidates in Indonesia and one for the Dutch HEI’s.
For the Dutch Higher Education Institutions the procedure is as follows:
1. Dutch HEI’s wishing to join this program should guarantee that the costs of the fourth (last) year of the PhD research of the candidate will be covered by the HEI. The first batch will be selected in the beginning of 2012 and will leave for the Netherlands that same year. Consequently the Dutch HEI’s, for the duration of this Arrangement, will start financing the PhD candidates in 2015 (fourth year of the first batch), 2016 (fourth year of the second batch) and 2017 (fourth year of the third batch).
2. Dutch HEI’s should register at Nuffic Neso Indonesia, by submitting before December 1, 2011:
1. a. A Nomination Letter by the Dutch promotor stating the name(s) of the nominated candidate(s) and a brief explanation why the(se) candidate(s) is/are nominated.
2. b. An authorized statement that the university will pay for the fourth year of the PhD of the nominated candidate(s). This statement should be signed by the Board of the University (or any other authorized person assigned by the Board) as a guarantee that the Dutch university will fulfill its financial obligations. This statement will be legally binding.
3. c. The unconditional acceptance letter of the PhD candidate
4. d. The research proposal (maximum 5 pages), a detailed research plan for the 4 years of research (maximum 2 pages) and a CV which should include academic achievements (awards, publications, etc.) of the nominated candidate
5. e. Proof of English proficiency of the candidate (which should be in compliance with the Code of Conduct, minimal IELTS 6.0 or IBT 80).
3. The Dutch HEI’s will be responsible for all procedures related to the acceptance of the candidate (amongst others visa application and financing) and funds for the fourth year that at least should be in the same amount of funding provided by DIKTI provides per year.
For the Indonesian candidates the requirements and procedures are as follows:
* Is currently a permanent lecturer of an Indonesian state or private university;
* Has received a valid unconditional Letter of Acceptance from a Dutch university/institution;
* Holds a master degree (or equivalent) for PhD program applicants;
* Shows proficiency in the English language (IELTS score of at minimum 6.0 or IBT TOEFL 80), and/or of any other language used in the proposed university;
* Applicant should already have a research proposal approved by (or at least been communicated with) a prospective advisor/sponsor at the target overseas university;
* Applicant should not be more than 50 years old at the time when they register their application;
* Applicants who are couples (husband and wife) and working in the same scientific field are not allowed to apply to the same university and / or guided by the same promotor/advisor.
1. Log-in to Dikti’s website (www.beasiswa.dikti.go.id) to register and get registration number;
2. Download Special Form A (DIKTI-Neso Scholarship);
3. Fill out the Special Form A and send to DIKTI together with the following documents:
* Form A DIKTI-Neso Scholarship (the current form will be adjusted by DIKTI)
* Recommendation from Indonesian Professor
* Endorsement Letter from the Rector
* Endorsement Letter from Kopertis, only for those who are lecturers of private university
* Prove of being a permanent lecturer, e.g. Appointment Letter by the Minister of National Education, or Contract;
* Copy of legalised diploma and transcript from bachelor and masters degrees.
All documents together with cover letter from the Head of the University be submitted to DIKTI:
Direktorat Pendidik & Tenaga Kependidikan,
Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi,
Jl. Pintu 1 Senayan, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman
Jakarta 10002
Joint Selection Committee
DIKTI and Nuffic Neso Indonesia will appoint a joint selection committee, this committee will only convene if there are more than 50 eligible candidates in one year and further selection is necessary. The announcement of the selection results of the first batch will be announced in March 2012. Departure to the Netherlands will start in August of the same year for the first batch, in 2013 for the second batch and 2014 for the third batch.
The Dutch HEI’s may include a “go or no go” decision based on academic performance immediately after the candidate has finished the first year of the PhD program in the Netherlands. If the Dutch HEI’s decides to terminate the contract with the PhD candidate, also the obligation to finance the fourth year will be terminated. The Dutch HEI should submit a written statement to DIKTI, if the contract with the candidate is terminated.
Recipients of the DIKTI scholarships will receive from the Indonesian Ministry of National Education the following funds for a period of maximum three years (according to the regular financial procedures implemented by the Ministry):
* Living allowance: 1005,00 euro per month;
* Insurance: 500,00 euro annually;
* Settling in allowance: 1000 euro (one time only);
* International travel cost: 1 international return ticket;
* Book allowance: 800 euro annually;
* Writing dissertation allowance: 500 euro (one time only);
* Special program allowance: 500 EUR (one time only);
* Bench or tuition fees as charged by the Dutch HEI’s (at cost up to a maximum of 10,000 EUR).
These funds have to be matched by the Dutch institution for the fourth year in the Netherlands. All financial arrangements will be directly between DIKTI and the Indonesian counterpart and/or the Dutch HEI’s. Nuffic Neso Indonesia is not involved in any financial arrangement.
Nov 6, 2011
2:27 AM
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