Nov 25, 2011

AstroMundus is a 2-year Erasmus Mundus Masters Course (120 ECTS) in Astronomy and Astrofisika offered by a consortium of five partner universities (University of Innsbruck, University of Belgrade, University of Goettingen, University of Padova University of Rome Tor Vergata &) in four different countries: Austria, Italy, Germany, and Serbia.

Its main purpose is to provide top students with an excellent background in Astrofisika, to introduce them to the world of modern astrofisika research, and encourage their future career in this field. At the same time, in the spirit of the Erasmus Mundus program, we promote cultural exchange between the Third National and European students and scholars.

AstroMundus students performing their master's studies in at least two and up to four countries, in a stimulating international environment and a very good academic.

Official language is English only, but the student is given the possibility to learn the language of the host country to attend language courses at the university partner.

Students who succeed will be the Joint Master of all partner universities they visit for the duration of Master. In addition they will gain further recognition diploma to facilitate their degrees in other universities / countries. At the end of each cycle the two-year Master's program the best master's thesis from the cycle will be given prizes.

AstroMundus offers an excellent level of education in all branches Astrofisika, as guaranteed by membership in a variety of areas which are covered by international partnerships. The main topics covered by the master program:

Astrofisika galaxies (the Sun and solar system, galaxies, the evolution of stars, medium antarbintang)
Planet ekstrasurya
Extragalactic Astrofisika (galaxies, the evolution of galaxies, clusters of galaxies, the intra-cluster medium, the formation of stars)
Active Galactic nuclei (including the theory of accretion, jet relativistik, modeling)
Cosmology (including the cosmological observations, surveys of galaxies, gravitational lenses, very early universe)
Particle Cosmology
Astroparticle Physics
Gravitational waves
Astrofisika observations from ground and from space
Computational astrofisika (N-body simulations, magneto-hydrodynamic simulation)

Applicants who want to happen is for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship must state so in the form of an application. No additional application is required. Students accepted in the past a "Erasmus Mundus" scholarships are not eligible for the new. Also, students can apply for a maximum of three different Master of the Erasmus Mundus program is starting at the same academic year. Students that last for more than three EM program will be excluded from selection for Erasmus Mundus scholarships.

There are two categories of scholarships:

Category A: They are intended as a full scholarship and proposed for Third Country students. Category A scholarships cover registration fees (including insurance), including contributions to the course, other types of installation and cost € 8000, and a monthly allowance of € 1,000 / month for the entire duration of the Master course (22 months).
Category B: They are intended as a financial contribution of European students or for students who have indulged in one of their major or related to European countries for more than 12 months for 5 years. Category B scholarships cover registration fees (including insurance), including contributions to the course, other types of installation and cost € 3,000 (this contribution is given only to students who will have a period of mobility in the universities in Belgrade), and a monthly allowance of 500 € / month for the entire duration of the Master course (22 months).

Pre-selected candidates may be interviewed by video conference (teleconference if not stated or may be). Deadline for the second non-European students and Europe: 30 November 2011

For more information, please visit the official site:

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