Nov 4, 2011

Aalto University is a new university with over a century of experience. Created from a high-profile merger between three leading universities in Finland –the Helsinki School of Economics, the Helsinki University of Technology and the University of Art and Design Helsinki – Aalto University opens up new possibilities for strong multi-disciplinary education and research. The university’s ambitious goal is to rank among the top universities in the world in its areas of specialization. At Aalto there are 20,000 students with around 75,000 alumni. We have a staff of 4,500 including 300 professors.

Aalto University School of Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, invites applications for two positions:

PhD student and postdoctoralposition in a research program on corporate initiative programs

Full-time doctoral student(for the period of February 2012 to December 2014) and postdoctoralresearcher (for the period of February 2012 to February 2014) positions are open at the Institute of Strategy of the Department of Industrial Management. The starting date is negotiable and subject to high quality of the research work and subject to new funding, it may be possible (but not guaranteed) to renew the contract at the end of the period. The research work will be part of a research program led by Professor Thomas Keil that covers strategic initiative programs and is funded by theAcademyofFinland.

The topic
To stay competitive firms need to renew and transform over time. Such renewal rarely happens through individual activities such as internal initiatives, new business ventures, alliances, or an acquisition. Rather, it frequently requires programs of multiple coordinated actions over time, often referred to as corporate initiative programs. Corporate initiative programs are an important, yet understudied mechanism through which corporations execute their corporate strategic priorities. At the core of the research program on corporate strategic initiative programs are questions of how firms design the corporate initiative programs and what management structures they use to steer them.

Candidate profile for the Doctoral Student position
The candidate will meet the following requirements:
-a recently completed master’s degree in industrial management, business administration, economics, or technology management with a very good grade-average. A student with all completed course work and an almost final draft of the thesis may be considered if all other requirements are met

-has at least a basic knowledge of quantitative and/or qualitative research methods demonstrated with a completed course work or in the thesis or other research work delivered with the application

Candidate profile for the Postdoctoral Researcher position
The candidate(s) will meet the following requirements:
-a recently completed doctoral degree in industrial management, business administration, economics, or technology management

-preferably at least one published article (or in advanced review stage) in a high quality journal

-has strong knowledge of quantitative and/or qualitative research methods

In addition, candidates for both positions should intend to pursue an academic career and to publish in top journals. Excellent writing capabilities and fluency in written and spoken English are a necessary prerequisite.

In addition to the main research duties, the successful applicants will conduct assistant work and otherwise contribute to teaching and administrative activities as instructed by the supervisor.
Aalto University follows the new salary system of Finnish universities. Current departmental starting salaries for doctoral student positions are around 2500€ per month and for postdoctoralresearcher positions around 3500€ per month.

The research group
The Institute of Strategy at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management consists of six professors and about 40 researchers, including PhD students. In terms of research output in top-tier journals the Institute of Strategy has in recent years been among the most productive strategy units in Europe. Active research at the Institute covers a broad set of topics including corporate strategy, corporate ventures, high-growth entrepreneurship, industry evolution, innovation management, mergers and acquisitions, and strategic renewal. The Institute offers a good environment for world-class research activity in strategic management. For additional information, please see or contact Professor Thomas Keil (thomas.keil[ at ]aalto.fiortelephone: +358 45111 3042).

How to apply
Please submit your application by email to the registry of Aalto University, kirjaamo[ at ], consisting of:
-Cover letter explaining your reasons to apply to the offered position and why you believe you are a suitable candidate

-Curriculum vitae (with contact details)

-University transcripts

-Master thesis/ doctoral dissertation or other research papers

-A 2-3 pages essay (in English) on the topic: “Why are strategic initiatives important for corporate strategy?” It can be beneficial to review the Institute’s publication list and do a small scale literature review as part of the essay. Please do not exceed the 3 pages requirement.

Closing date: Thursday 15thDecember 2011

Aalto University reserves the right for justified reasons to leave the position open, to extend the application period and to consider candidates who have not submitted applications during the application period.

The application materials will not be returned.

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