Dec 4, 2011

Erasmus Mundus MA in International Performance Research (MAIPR) is intended for students with specific interest and / or a background in performing arts, because those who may wish to pursue a career in or add value to existing skills in practical aspects of art, or pursuing academic careers through further study, possibly leading to a Ph.D.

Intake MAIPR now truly international, consisting of students from all continents (except Antarctica!) We have students who have been entered directly after completing their undergraduate degree in performance and other related disciplines who have worked as a director, choreographer, curator, dancer and the actor. You must remember, however, MAIPR which is not a practical training program. What it will do is help you develop and enhance your theoretical knowledge about performance-related issues, and will certainly add value to existing basic skills.

Funded by the European Commission, MAIPR from autumn 2011 will be offered by four internationally renowned academic institutions: University of Warwick in England, Universiteit van Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) in Holland, while Univerzitet Umetnosti u Beogradu (University of Arts Belgrade) in Serbia, and Yliopisto Helsingin (University of Helsinki) in Finland.

Students who successfully complete this program will receive a double degree awarded by University of Warwick, Amsterdam or Art Belgrade.

Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
Erasmus Mundus (EM) scholarship funded by the European Commission (EC), under the management of Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). EM scholarships are awarded to the strongest applicants to the program MAIPR itself, in accordance with the rules and regulations set by the EACEA.

There are two scholarship competitions EM MAIPR associated with the program itself: Category A and Category B. competition is open to applicants MAIPR only and therefore not available to students registering for other programs.

Here is a breakdown in the two competitions. Please check carefully to see where the competition applies to your own situation:

CATEGORY A: € 36 000 (2011-12 grants have now been allocated)
Category A scholarship is intended to cover all program costs, therefore the cost, travel and living expenses for 16 months:

* 7 scholarships to qualified third-country applicants (because it's their nationality and residence outside the EU / EEA / EFTA area) who has lived, studied and / or work for a period of LESS THAN 12 cumulative months in the EU / EEA / EFTA region on January 31, 2011.
* An additional scholarship is reserved for the Western Balkans and Turkey qualified applicant who has lived, studied and / or work for a cumulative period of LESS THAN 12 months in the EU / EEA / EFTA region on January 31, 2011.

After € 12 000 Cost of the program has been cut from EM scholarship, you will receive € 24 000. This amount is composed as follows:

* € 8,000 travel allowance and installation
* € 16 000 monthly salary

Above will usually be paid in 16 monthly installments of € x 1500. The first payment will be made soon after arriving at your home university.

Category B: € 17 000 (2011-12 grants have now been allocated).
Category B scholarships are considered as financial contributions rather than a full scholarship:

* 8 scholarships for eligible EU / EEA / EFTA applicants, as well as third-country applicants who have lived, studied and / or work for MORE THAN cumulative period of 12 months in the EU / EEA / EFTA region on January 31, 2011.

Once costs have been deducted from the scholarship program EM, a European Union student will receive a living allowance of € 8,000 for € 3,000 travel allowance and installation. This will be paid at the level of € 687.50.

The application process
Online Application: The best way to apply for the program MAIPR is online through the University of Warwick, coordinating agency for the Consortium. Please click on the following link on-line application form to access the online portal.

For 2012-13, the deadline will be: January 3, 2012 (for scholarship competitions entrants EM) and 30 April 2012 for all other applicants

If you are offered a place on the program MAIPR, to make your offer unconditional, you must submit original documentation to support you in the mail the following address:

Graduate Team 6
Postgraduate Admissions Team
Admission and Recruitment Office
University of Warwick

NOTE: If you want to put in a scholarship competition EM 2012-13, ALL your support documentation, including references, must be received on or by January 3, 2012. If your application is not complete on that date, then regretably we will be able to put you into the relevant EM scholarship competition. It is therefore important that you contact your references to get a reference to them and that you have obtained the transcript and / or certificates in a lot of time.

For more information, please visit the official site:

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