Nov 4, 2011

The European Master Programme in System Dynamics is the first international Master programme in System Dynamics in Europe. It has been built on the strengths of four leading universities: the University of Bergen (Norway), New University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Palermo (Italy) and Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands). The programme has been specifically designed for students who are interested in learning how to initiate strategic change in organisations by using computer simulation models.

The courses that are taught in this programme are as follows:

Semester I, University of Bergen, Norway
1. Interdisciplinary Model-based Policy Design I (10 ECs)
2. Interdisciplinary Model-based Policy Design II (10 ECs)
3. System Dynamics Modelling Process I (10 ECs)

Semester II, New University of Lisbon, Portugal
1. Sustainability Science (10 ECs)
2. Integrative Modelling (10 ECs)
3. Sustainability Strategies Lab (10 ECs)


Semester II, University of Palermo, Italy
1. Planning and Control Systems (7.5 ECs)
2. System Dynamics for Business Strategy (7.5 ECs)
3. Planning, Policy Design, and Management in the Public Sector (6 ECs)
4. System Dynamics for Planning, Policy Design, and Management in the Public Sector (9 ECs)

Semester III: Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
1. Computer Simulation Models and Organizational Decision-making (6 ECs)
2. Group Model Building I (6 ECs)
3. Strategic Decision-making (6 ECs)
4. Group Model Building II (6 ECs)
5. Research Methodology (6 ECs)

Semester IV is fully dedicated to writing your thesis.

As of August 2011, it will be possible to apply for (a scholarship for) the Erasmus Mundus European Master Programme in System Dynamics 2012-2014.

Your application consists of two steps:

fill in and submit the digital application form.
send application in hard copy.

If one of the forms (digital or in hard copy) is missing after the deadline, your application will not be considered as part of the selection procedure.

1. Fill in and submit the digital application form
If you think you meet the requierments and wish to be enrolled in the European Master in System Dynamics, you can fill in and submit the digital application form together with a scanned digital copy of:

your cv, including a short summary of your Bachelor thesis
legally certified copies of your diplomas and transcripts
legally certified translations of your diplomas and transcripts by a sworn translator
your passport
a letter of motivation, describing why you feel you should be admitted to the programme
3 letters of recommendation
a copy of an IELTS, a TOEFL or a CAE/CPE certificate

2. Send application in hard copy
After having submitted your digital application form, you will receive a link named ‘print out application form’. Print outyour application form, sign it and send it to us together with the following hard copy files:

your cv, including a short summary of your Bachelor thesis
legally certified copies of your diplomas and transcripts
legally certified translations of your diplomas and transcripts by a sworn translator
a copy of your passport
a letter of motivation, describing why you feel you should be admitted to the programme
3 letters of recommendation
a copy of Ian ELTS, a TOEFL or a CAE/CPE certificate

Send your application form to:
Radboud Univeristy Nijmegen
Application EM System Dynamics
PO Box 9108
6500 HK Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Students from China need a NESO certificate before their application can be processed.
Please note that you cannot apply for more than 3 Erasmus Mundus programmes/scholarships.

ATTN: Deadline for applications is 1 December 2011!

It is important to allow enough time for both the visa application process and the grant / scholarship application process. For this reason we request you send us your application form before 1 December 2011. We will need up to six weeks to process your application and to make a selection of students who are
a) admitted to the programme and
b) admitted to the programme and who qualify for a scholarship.
c) not admitted to the programme.
Students will be notified about the selection resultst latest 1 February 2012.

Selection results will be send to the Erasmus Mundus Agency EACEA in Brussels latest 28 February 2012. The EACEA needs at leat 30 days to validate the sleection results. Final and validated selection results are expected latest the 15th of April. The consortium will notify student as soon as possible both by e-mail and letter.

The Admission Decision
The preliminary admission decision will be based on the information provided in the application form. If the information is incomplete, the EMSD-board reserves the right to reject an application.

After receipt of your application form and the necessary documents, one of the student counsellors will check to see if the application is complete and he or she will review your previous education.

The student counsellor will submit your application to the Examining Board of the programme, who recommends that you either be admitted or denied admission.

Number of scholarships available
For next year’s edition of the European Master in System Dynamics (2011-2013) we have the following scholarships available:
9 Category A scholarships
7 Category B scholarships
1 Category A scholarships for students from the Western Balkans & Turkey Window.
Western Balkan countries include Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia,Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

These scholarships are available for a limited number of selected students.


Category A: Third country (i.e. non-European) students
For each selected Third-country student, the scholarship amounts to € 24,000 for a maximum of two years. Furthermore the student receives a contribution to travel, installation and any other costs up to a maximum of €8,000.-; a contribution made for costs of participation (including insurance coverage and tuition fees) to a maximum of € 8,584.- and a monthly allowance of €1,000.- per month.

Third-country nationals, who are eligible for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, are among the citizenss from all other countries than: the 27 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, the UK, Sweden, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain) and the EEA-EFTA states (Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland) and who are not residents of any of the above countries, and who have not carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the above countries.

Category B: European students
For each selected European student, the Erasmus Mundus scholarship amounts to € 12,000.- for a maximum of two years. Furthermore the student receives a contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs to a maximum of €3,000.-; a contribution to participation costs (including insurance coverage) to a maximum of € 2,700.- and a monthly allowance of €500.- each month.

European nationals, who are eligible for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship are among the citizens from the 27 EU Member States (Austria,Belgium,Bulgaria,Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland,I taly,Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, the UK, Sweden, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain) and the EEA-EFTA states (Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland).

Please note that the number of applications is limited to three Erasmus Mundus Master courses with a maximum per student. If you apply to more than three courses, then you will automatically be excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.

Students with special needs might possibly be given an increased monthly allowance.

For more information, please visit official website:

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