Mar 16, 2012

Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students, Newcastle University, UK

Awards under, offered by the University, open to prospective international students begin their studies in September 2012:

International Undergraduate Merit Scholarships (IUMS)
IUMS is intended for international students studying for their first degree at Newcastle University. This partial scholarship has a value of £ 2,250 for the first year of study. Eligible applicants will be considered based on the information provided on their UCAS application form.

International students must have:

applied through UCAS dated June 30 and was offered a place to study at one of our degree programs for 2012/13 entry
has been assessed as overseas for fee purposes
have reached or will reach the level of academic achievement in pre-approved by their university qualifications
already received or will receive a Newcastle University as their first choice university

If you have any questions about this award, please contact the Student Financial Support at:
Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 8107
Fax: +44 (0) 191 222 8685
E-mail: @

International Family Discounts (iFD)
The University offers a partial discount for immediate family (husband, wife, brother, sister, mother, father, son or daughter) of students / graduates, who have been assessed as 'international' for fee purposes, and who wish to continue their studies at Newcastle University or are studied here. Each award is worth 10% of tuition fee per year for the normal duration of an undergraduate program fee paid to the account of the school students.

Students can only apply for a discount if they are enrolled as a student at the University or after they have been offered places to study on their chosen degree program and has been rated as internationally for the purpose of cost.

In which two family members intend to begin their studies in 2012 or are currently studying at the University, one will be able to file a iFD. The value of this award is 10% of tuition fees for undergraduate courses each year.

Want to join
Please complete the electronic application form and in accordance with the regulations iFD, given at the end of the application form.

Complete forms can be sent via e-mail or post to:

Student Welfare
Financial Support
Newcastle University
King 's Gate
Newcastle upon Tyne
Phone: +44 (0) 191 222 5537
E-mail: vicky.coombes @

University reserves the right to vary the conditions of scholarship in its sole discretion.

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