Dec 8, 2012

Government of Ireland International Scholarships 2013-2014 Government of IrelandThe Government of Ireland International Scholarships scheme was established under the provisions of the Government’s International Education Strategy, 2010–2015. It will be operated in the higher education sector and funded in partnership between the Government and the higher education institutions (HEIs). The scholarship scheme is part of the implementation of the Programme for Government which indicated that the Government would “develop cultural and diplomatic links with emerging markets including a scholarship scheme”. Government of Ireland International Scholarships will be awarded to high calibre higher education students from non-EEA countries to study in Ireland for a period of one year. The scholarships will highlight Ireland’s strengths as a centre of international education, promote links with priority countries and strengthen the internationalisation strategies of HEIs. Scholarships will be branded as prestigious awards reflecting the core messages about Ireland as a centre of international education. It is expected that for every scholarship winner, awareness will be raised of Ireland among many more potential students and staff. Scholarships must be regarded as highly desirable and value adding to individuals’ subsequent lives and careers. Details of Scholarship Scheme The scheme will be managed by the Higher Education Authority (HEA). Following a competitive process based on an annual call for proposals from eligible HEIs, the HEA will approve a defined number of scholarships under the scheme to successful HEIs. Successful HEIs will be responsible for selecting the students to be awarded scholarships and will be responsible for the implementation of the scholarship programme according to the terms and conditions set out by the HEA. Government of Ireland International Scholarships will be awarded to high calibre students from non-EEA countries to study in Ireland for a period of one year. The following are the terms and conditions that will apply: The HEA will award a scholarship fund to the student (through the HEI that the student is attending) amounting to €10,000 for one study year. This fund is directed at covering student costs and living expenses. The scholarship may be for the final year of an undergraduate programme, a one year taught masters programme or for one year of a research programme (research masters or PhD programme). The HEI will be required to give a FULL fee waiver to the student for the scholarship year (i.e. tuition fee and registration charge are waived). This is the minimum matching funding requirement that institutions will be required to make to the scholarship programme. It is expected that a total of 22 scholarships will be funded from the HEA in the academic year 2013/2014. HEIs may also propose additional scholarships or rebranding of existing HEI scholarships, fully funded at the same level by the HEI, for inclusion under the Government of Ireland Scholarship Programme. Such scholarships would be subject to the same terms and conditions as all Government of Ireland scholarships. Scholarship students may come from anywhere outside the EU, however, it is expected that in the first instance scholarships will be approved for HEIs that target priority markets as defined by the Department of Education and Skills High Level Group on International Education. The 2013/2014 scheme will prioritise applications targeted at China, India and Brazil and we would anticipate that students from each of these countries would receive scholarships should suitable applications be received from the HEIs. Scholarships may be approved for study across all disciplines. HEIs will be responsible for the selection of high calibre students to be awarded the scholarships. As part of the student selection process HEIs will be required to ensure that successful students demonstrate a commitment/connection with Ireland. Call for Proposals Eligible institutions (see appendix 1) are invited to submit proposals to the HEA seeking approval for a defined number of Government of Ireland International Scholarships. The proposals must cover: The proposed number of scholarships that the HEI will seek to award under the scholarship programme in the academic year 2013/14. Details of the countries in which it is proposed that each scholarship will be awarded. HEIs are advised that it is necessary that they are specific, i.e. the country associated with each proposed scholarship must be specified. Details of awards associated with proposed scholarships. All higher education awards are eligible under the scheme but HEIs are advised of the requirement to be specific in this area. Where applicable, details of proposed work (or other) placements and mentoring should be included. Details of how the proposed scholarships are consistent with the HEIs’ own internationalisation strategy and institutional strategy. Scholarships will only be awarded to HEIs that demonstrate that their proposals are consistent with broader institutional strategic objectives. It is expected that scholarships will support the implementation of meaningful and targeted internationalisation strategies within HEIs and also in collaboration between HEIs. Details of the institutional care that will be provided to incoming students and how the HEI will ensure that the highest standards of student care are achieved. Confirmation that the HEA matching funding requirements are met. HEIs are advised that they may examine the possibility of philanthropic contributions to support the scholarships or the possibility to re-brand existing institutional scholarships. Details of the selection methods that will be applied to ensure that the scholarships are awarded to high-calibre recipients. As part of the incoming student selection process HEIs will be required to consider the extent to which scholars have a long-term interest in Ireland and how they will promote links with Ireland. As part of the scholarship application process, HEIs should invite prospective awardees to submit plans on how they will do so during their time as scholars and also as alumni. The innovative features that HEIs are incorporating into their proposed scholarships that reflect key Education in Ireland national marketing messages. Proposing HEIs should also have regard to the information contained in appendix 2. Evaluation Process The HEA will establish a panel which will include independent external expertise to evaluate the HEI proposals received. The panel will consider the extent to which proposed scholarships meet the criteria of 2013/2014 scholarships as outlined above, the HEI’s own applications and assessment processes, as well as the HEI’s own internationalisation strategy and track record. The evaluations process will also give consideration to institutional and geographic spread subject to quality considerations. Following the evaluation process, the HEA will approve HEIs to award a specified number of scholarships. The approvals will be specific in nature, i.e. defined number, defined countries, defined duration and defined level of study. Successful HEIs will also be required to meet HEA reporting requirements and successful students/staff will be required to participate in a small number of scholarship events (e.g. HEA formal awarding of scholarships or welcome event, national promotion efforts). The HEA also reserves the right to conduct audits to ensure that the highest levels of student care are provided to incoming students. The HEA will advise on all HEI reporting requirements in due course. Submission of Proposals (1) The call for proposals is issuing on 14th November 2012 and all documents will be available on the HEA website ( The closing date for receipt of proposals is 5pm on Friday, 21st December 2012. Late proposals will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant unopened. Faxed applications will not be accepted. (2) Four hard copies of each HEI proposal should be submitted to: John Lynch, Policy, Planning and International Education, Higher Education Authority, Brooklawn House, Crampton Avenue, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. (3) The words “Scholarships Proposal” and name and address of the applicant should be clearly legible on the front of the envelope, which should be sealed. (4) One electronic copy of the document should be e-mailed to (5) Any questions regarding the call for proposals should be submitted in writing via e-mail to John Lynch at by no later than 5pm on Wednesday, 28th November 2012. The answers to all questions received will be posted on the HEA website on Wednesday, 5th December 2012. Telephone queries cannot be accommodated. (6) The HEA will advise HEIs of the outcome of the evaluation process by Friday, 8th February 2013. Appendix 1 Eligible Institutions for Call for Proposals 2013/2014 Scholarships may be awarded to public, private or not-for-profit higher education providers which have access to the Education in Ireland brand. Scholarships will only be approved for programmes that lead to a higher education award that is included in the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) at Levels 6 to 10, which is made by one of the following awarding bodies: Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) Institutes of Technology with delegated authority to make awards Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland The seven Irish Universities Appendix 2 Important Information The HEA is making this document available to HEIs submitting a proposal under the Scholarship Programmes 2013/2014 call for proposals. The document must not be used for any other purpose. The HEA has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the material set out in this Call for Proposals is true and accurate in all material respects as at the time of publication. However, no warranty or representation is given as to the accuracy or completeness of this material. The HEA does not accept any liability or responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information set out herein. The HEA will not be liable or responsible for any opinion, statement, or conclusion contained in, or any omission from this document or for any other written or oral communication made available during the course of the Call process. No representation or warranty is made in respect of such statements, opinions or conclusions. The HEA reserves the right to amend these documents and any information contained herein at any time by notice in writing to the candidates. None of the information set out herein will constitute an agreement, or part of an agreement, or an offer to enter into an agreement, between the HEA and any HEI. Nothing in these documents is, nor shall be relied upon as, a promise or representation as to the HEA’s ultimate decision in relation to the approval of scholarships. The HEA reserves the right to take such steps as it considers appropriate, including but not limited to: changing the basis of, or the procedures (including the timetable) relating to, the Call process; rejecting any, or all, of the proposals; abandoning the competition (or any part of it) at any time prior to the formal approval of scholarships. No legal relationship or other obligation shall arise between any proposing HEI and the HEA unless and until a scholarship approval has been made by the HEA and accepted by the HEI. Each proposing HEI’s response to the Call for Proposals constitutes its agreement to, and acceptance of, its terms. Under no circumstances will the HEA be liable for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by candidates as a result of participating in this Call process, however caused. Any costs associated with the submission of a proposal are the sole responsibility of the candidate and will not be reimbursed. Statutory requirements All HEIs making a proposal under this Call must confirm compliance with statutory requirements regarding their financial and legal status and be prepared to furnish any additional supporting documents as requested by the HEA.

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