Mar 28, 2013

Domus Academy and Vogue Talents are proud to launch Call for Talents #2 – Fashion Master in Fashion Design – September 2013 Domus Academy ItalyAn initiative aiming at promoting talent and merit. A unique occasion originated from the collaboration between the Master in Fashion Design at Domus Academy and Vogue Talents who as always promotes and incentives talent. Domus Academy and Vogue Talents want to motivate young talents thinking out of the box, eager to make an intensive experience in the Italian design culture, offering three scholarships to attend the September 2013 edition of the Master in Fashion Design. If you believe that Fashion Design is not merely a stylistic technique giving shape to objects, but it’s a challenging activity that encourages creativity to achieve higher goals; if you’re interested in experiencing a cross-disciplinary approach, interweaving the world of fashion and accessories design; if you want to invest your future on developing and enhancing your fashion design sensitivity, your artistic, cultural and sociological knowledge choose Domus Academy. Audience The competition is open to graduates in fashion design, architecture and art schools and to people with a suitable background and professional experience in the fashion field. Jury Projects will be selected and evaluated by a jury composed by Sara Maino, Senior Fashion Editor at Vogue and Domus Academy Fashion School Faculty. Materials Required A personal portfolio/personal collection (man or woman), including: A 500 words abstract on the research and the concept inspiring the collection A moodboard presenting a selection of the most significant images of the research Sketches of the collection including technical references (minimum 15 sketches) Color palette and fabrics chart Photos of minimum 2 outfits Shooting or video to visually communicate your concept Curriculum vitae of the participant, including English language certificate (IEL TS 5.0 academic or equivalent) maximum 2 A4 page; Statement of purpose: maximum 5 lines on an A4 page. Domus Academy Application Form* The candidates are asked to send their materials in one sole file in .PDF format. Any further attached material will be considered a plus and will be evaluated by the jury. * Application fee is waived for competition participants. Prizes One scholarship covering 70% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program. One scholarship covering 50% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program. One scholarship covering 30% of the total tuition fee of the Master Program. Deadline The works must be mailed to Domus Academy by and not later than 3rd May 2013. Candidates will be informed about the results of the competition by e-mail on 17th May 2013. Entry Delivery Projects in digital format must be sent to the following e-mail address: Paper works must be sent to: Domus Academy Call for Talents #2 – Fashion Competition Master Program in Fashion Design Via Carlo Darwin, 20 20143 Milan – Italy Contact: Master Program Description The Master Program in Fashion Design proposes an integrated approach between cultural, design, production, marketing and communication aspects through a dialogue with experts of the field. The program is designed to contribute to the development of professionals able to express their creativity and face the new challenges coming from the Fashion world. The Master Program aims at providing participants with cultural, research and project background at 360 degrees. ELIGIBILITY Candidates holding a first-level academic diploma or BA degree, or about to graduate within the academic year 2012/13 and with a knowledge of the English language (IEL TS 5.0 academic or equivalent certificate minimum). Property Rights Every moral or paternity right as to the project remains property of the author. The projects sent to Domus Academy will not be returned. All the material must be the result of an unpublished work developed by the candidate, not to be used by the candidate in other or previous occasions.

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