Jan 31, 2015

Several Graduate Research Assistant Positions for PhD students are available at Laboratory of Ambient and Wearable Systems at the University of Alabama.
 The laboratory is engaged in several NIH-sponsored research projects covering monitoring of human behaviors in natural environment, biofeedback and simulation of physiological indicators. The positions are available in two tracks:
  1. Wearable sensor development. The ideal candidate will have a hands-on experience in design, prototyping and fabrication of digital and analog electronic circuits, microcontroller interfacing, C/C++ programming, as well as familiarity with Matlab, Labview and digital signal processing.
  2. Signal processing and pattern recognition. The ideal candidate will have a practical experience with signal processing algorithms as well as familiarity with method of machine learning and computational intelligence. Matlab, Labview and C/C+ (or Java) proficiency is desired.
The candidate is expected to be a reliable and self-motivated team player. The assistantship covers a yearly stipend and tuition. These positions may potentially lead to a PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Interested candidates should send their CV, GRE (and TOEFL if needed) score to Dr. Edward Sazonov at esazonov@eng.ua.edu

Job Location Information:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Alabama
101 Houser Hall,  Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0286

The University of Alabama is a major, comprehensive, student-centered research university founded in 1831 as the first public college in Alabama. The University of Alabama is ranked 34th among public national universities according to U.S. News and World Report’s annual rankings for 2011. The University of Alabama is located along the banks of the Black Warrior River in Tuscaloosa in West Central      Alabama. Tuscaloosa has appeared in Money magazine’s annual list of the country’s best places to live. The Tuscaloosa Metro area has a population of 179,448 people.

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