Sep 27, 2011


Each year, BCI awards scholarships to help students at universities around the world conduct conservation-relevant research. The goal of this program is to support exceptionally talented students in research initiatives that will contribute the new knowledge that is essential to conserving bats and the ecosystems they serve worldwide.
The maximum one-year award per student is $5,000. We hope that these funds will open opportunities for matching grants from other conservation organizations, government agencies and private foundations, and that BCI’s support will grow in years to come.


Students enrolled in any college or university worldwide are eligible to apply. Students who have applied in previous years to BCI’s Student Research Scholarship Program are eligible to reapply each subsequent year, whether they received a previous BCI grant or not. Non-students are not eligible. All proposals to the Student Research Scholarship Program must be prepared by the applicant. While BCI will fund research that is part of a larger project, the student must personally research and develop the proposal. All funded projects must begin no later than December 31 of the year in which the award is received.

How to Apply

Apply online at The proposal, budget and student curriculum vitae should be included with the application. Templates for the proposal and budget documents can be found on “Step 6” in the application form. All submitted materials must be in English. Applications will not be accepted via mail. Only online and electronic applications will be accepted.
All application materials except letters of support must arrive by December 15 to be considered for the coming year, and applicants are strongly encouraged to submit all materials well in advance.

Submitted materials may be rejected from the review process for any of the following reasons:

Project does not meet the conservation goals of the program.
Sufficient materials were not received prior to the deadline.
Submitted materials do not meet submission requirements.
Applicant does not meet eligibility requirements.
Significant changes were submitted after the deadline.

Applicants whose submissions are rejected prior to review will be notified via email.
Please address all questions to:

Scholarships deadline

15 Desember 2011

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