Sep 21, 2011

  • 7:42 AM
  • admin
The Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship Program provides three- and four-year scholarships in three different types to high school seniors. The application process is the same for each type. All four-year scholarships activate in the fall of your freshman year. All three-year scholarships activate in the fall of your sophomore year. All three-year scholarship designees must complete AFROTC training during their freshman year in order to retain eligibility to activate their scholarships at the start of their sophomore year.All high school scholarship winners are authorized travel pay from your home to your Air Force ROTC detachment. You will receive reimbursement approximately 30 days after the start of school.


To be eligible for an Air Force ROTC scholarship there are specific temporal, physical and academic requirements you need to be aware of. Explore the following sections to find out the requirements and deadlines that may apply to you. Remember, you can always contact us if you have any questions about the Air Force ROTC or the application process.

To be eligible for scholarship consideration, you must achieve an SAT composite of 1100 (Math and Verbal portion only) or ACT composite of 24 and attain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Once you meet the academic and general requirements, you are considered an eligible applicant. You will be contacted by the nearest Air Force unit for a personal interview. To remain eligible, you need to either keep this appointment or make alternate arrangements. During this interview, your height and weight will be measured.

To be eligible for the scholarship interview, you must meet the following requirements:

Be a United States citizen or able to obtain citizenship by the last day of the first term of your freshman year for four-year offers or the first term of your sophomore year for three-year offers. Activation cannot occur prior to obtaining citizenship.
Graduate from a high school or have an equivalent certificate.
Be 17 years old prior to scholarship activation.
Be under 31 years old as of December 31 of the year you will commission .
Prior to the fall academic term 2012, you cannot be enrolled full-time at a college or university except for joint high school/college programs.
If you are the sole provider for another person (e.g., single parent, guardian for younger sibling, etc.), please contact the nearest Air Force ROTC detachment admissions representative for dependent care plan information.

How to Apply

The scholarship application process consists of several steps:

1.Submit your online application » by December 1, 2011
2. After you complete the online application, you will receive a confirmation email that will provide information on how to download, electronically complete and submit/upload the following forms:

Counselor Certification/Signed copy of Transcript (9th-11th grades only)
Extracurricular Activity Sheet
Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA )
SAT and/or ACT scores and GPA

3. You must have taken the SAT or ACT by 1 Dec 2011. You must also have an ACT Composite of 24 (Writing Portion not included) or an 1100 SAT Score (We do not mix and match scores and Writing Portion is not included).

Scores must be submitted/uploaded by 14 January 2012 under the following -

Electronically through the ACT or SAT Agency by using AFROTC Test Code 0548. (See note below)
You may print them off the agency websites ( or and submit/upload them, even though it may say unofficial.
You must also enter your SAT and/or ACT scores and GPA electronically in the fields provided.

4. When you have completed all the steps above and you have met our qualifications, a local AFROTC Detachment will contact you to schedule an interview with an Air Force officer.
5. A selection board will evaluate your record and interview report and determine whether to offer you a scholarship.
6. If you receive a scholarship offer and decide to accept it, you will need to complete a medical exam », meet our physical requirements » and pass the Physical Fitness Test (PFT) ». If you do not receive a scholarship offer, you can still take Air Force ROTC classes your freshman year at college.

Scholarships Deadline

To apply for an Air Force ROTC scholarship, you must have your application submitted online by midnight December 1, 2011.

Once you have applied you must download, complete, and upload required forms to our website. To view the forms click here:

Deadline to upload those is 14 January 2012.

The following sections describe eligibility requirements for scholarship applications.


Contact the Air Force ROTC High School Scholarship Selection Section at:

High School Scholarship Section
551 E. Maxwell Blvd.
Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6106


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