The Council of College and Military Educators (CCME) is pleased to offer $1000 scholarships each year to United States Service members and spouses of Service members who are working towards the completion of higher education degrees.
The Eligibility Requirements are as follows:
CCME Joe King Scholarship (5 awards) Applicants must:
* be a uniformed service member (active, reserves, guard)
* be currently enrolled in an educational program at regional or national accredited institution and is a member institution of CCME
* have a minimum of 12 or more hours (units) with a cumulative 2.0 GPA (undergraduate); minimum 12 or more hours (units) with a cumulative 3.0 GPA (graduate)
* submit an unofficial college or university transcript
* submit two (2) letters of recommendation to be completed by persons unrelated to applicant, who will attest to their motivation, character, integrity and educational pursuit. (example, ESO, academic or faculty advisor)
CCME Spouse Scholarship (5 awards) Applicants must:
* be a uniformed services spouse (active duty, reserve, guard)
* be currently enrolled in an educational program in a regional or nationally accredited institution and is a member institution of CCME
* have a minimum of 12 or more hours (units) with a cumulative 2.0 GPA (undergraduate); minimum 12 or more hours (units) with a cumulative 3.0 GPA (graduate)
* submit an unofficial college or university transcript
* submit two (2) letters of recommendation to be completed by persons unrelated to applicant, who will attest to their motivation, character, integrity and educational pursuit. (example, ESO, academic or faculty advisor)
Essays will be judged on written content and writing skills, and should not be more than 300 words in length. Applications that are incomplete or are from individuals that do not qualify will not be considered.
Scholarships deadline
1 November 2011
scholarships details of The Council of College and Military Educators (CCME)
Sep 21, 2011
8:02 AM
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