Nottingham Business School
Executive MBA Scholarships 2011-2012
Nottingham Business School will be offering either one full scholarship of £14,800 or two part scholarships of £7,400, depending on applications and the judgment of the panel. The competitive scholarships are available to UK, EU and international students who have been offered a place to study on Nottingham Business School’s Executive Masters of Business Administration 2011 / 12 entry.
Nature of the Scholarship
These competitive scholarships will be awarded to the candidates who most closely meet the criteria for the award, which are provided below.
The scholarship decision will be made by an awarding committee and all decisions are final. If you are awarded a scholarship your fee will be adjusted before enrollment.
Application Process
Applications must be received at the address on the application form by 4pm on 21 October 2011. Applications must consist of a fully completed scholarship application form, together with a response to the essay title below of 1500 words. Please see Application From for further details. The selection panel reserve the right to exclude from consideration any applications that include essay submissions which exceed the stated word limit.
A 1500 word written essay addressing the following:
“Managers play an important role in creating an environment within which individuals either thrive or disengage. What have been your experiences and what have you learnt about developing the former and avoiding the latter?”
Please return your completed Scholarship application form to or post to the address below:
MBA Administrator (Charlotte Wix)
Nottingham Business School
Nottingham Trent University
Newton Building (7th floor)
Burton Street
Nottingham NG1 4BU
All applications must be received by 21 October 2011 at the very latest. Successful applicants will be informed within two weeks of the closing date.
For more information, please visit official website:
Sep 24, 2011
5:29 AM
United Kingdom
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