Sep 24, 2011

Study Subject:Political Science,Sociology,Psychology, Law, Economics or Mass Communication
Employer: The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
Level: PhD
Scholarship Description: The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Ph.D. program. The program will commence on September 1st, 2012. Successful applicants for the Ph.D. fellowships will pursue a topic in one of BIGSSS. All fellows are expected to choose Bremen as their place of residence.
BIGSSS offers 15 Ph.D. stipends of 1250 Euros/month for 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year. To support its Ph.D. fellows in achieving early scientific independence, it also provides funds for conducting, presenting and publishing research. There is no separate funding application, because all admitted applicants receive a stipend.
Eligibility Criteria:
An excellent MA degree (or national equivalents like the German “Diplom” or “Magister”) in a discipline pertinent to at least one of BIGSSS’ five Thematic fields (see above), i.e. in Political Science (including related degree programs in European Studies or International Relations), Sociology, Psychology, Law, Economics or Mass Communication. The degree must be completed by the end of July of the year of application, which means you may apply before having finished your MA degree.
-English proficiency as described in the application materials section .
-Additionally BIGSSS offers 2 Preparatory Fellowships to particularly talented BA Graduates.

Scholarship Application Deadline: 15 March 2012

Read more: 2012 International PhD Fellowships at BIGSSS, Germany : College Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Postdoctoral, Graduate International Scholarships Fellowships

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