Oct 18, 2011

International Undergraduate Scholarships, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
INTO Queen’s/Queen’s University Belfast
100% International Foundation Scholarships 2011-2012

Queen’s University Belfast and INTO Queen’s University Belfast invites applications for the Queen’s University Belfast Foundation Scholarships. The scholarships have been created to assist international fee-paying students, who need to complete a Foundation programme before enrolling on a Queen’s University Belfast undergraduate degree programme.

The scholarships are available to all international students applying for the following INTO Queen’s University Belfast Foundation pathways:

Foundation pathway in Business, Humanities and Social Sciences
Foundation Pathway in Science, Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

The Foundation programme commences in January 2011. Successful completion of the appropriate Foundation pathway (subject to meeting specified grades for entry) guarantees students progression onto a wide range of undergraduate degree programmes at Queen’s University Belfast.

Award title: Queen’s University Belfast 100% International Foundation Scholarship
Number of awards: 5 Awards
Course length: 3 terms
Start date: Monday 26 September 2011, 4 January 2012

Successful completion leads to the award of the NCUK International Foundation Certificate and direct entry to Year 1 of a wide range of degree programmes at Queen’s University Belfast in September 2012.

Who is eligible?

All international fee-paying students.
Students who have completed 12 years of schooling (or the local equivalent to meet the same standard) with good grades.
Students must have a minimum English language proficiency equivalent to IELTS 5.0 for specified degree programmes.
Students must be a minimum of 17 years old.
EU international students are also eligible.

General information
Successful applicants will receive a scholarship worth £5745.00 which will be deducted from their INTO Foundation programme tuition fees. Upon successful completion (and subject to achieving specified grades for entry), students entering degree programmes at Queen’s University Belfast will receive a further £5745.00 (which will be deducted from the university’s Year 1 tuition fees).

Application procedures
Complete an INTO Queen’s University Belfast Academic Application form stating which Foundation programme you would like to apply for. The completed form should be returned to INTO Admissions along with copies of your academic transcripts and evidence of current English language level.

Complete a Queen’s University Belfast Foundation Scholarship application form including a personal statement explaining why you want to study at Queen’s University Belfast and how the degree programme will help you in the future. The personal statement must be hand-written in English and be no less 200 words and no more than 500 words. An application and personal statement form is included at the bottom of this announcement. Applicants may submit information and evidence of additional achievements in support of their application.

All scholarship applications must be complete with transcripts and should be submitted to c.guiney@qub.ac.uk.

Scholarship Deadlines

For the September 2011 intake the deadline is Monday 27 June 2011.
For the January 2012 intake the deadline is Friday 18 November 2011.

All scholarships applications received by this date will be considered. Successful candidates will be notified no later than two weeks after the deadline has closed. All other scholarship applications will be retained for further consideration.

For more information, please visit official website: www.intohigher.com

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