PhD Student, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University, Belgium At the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Ghent University a position for a PhD student is available.
The aim of this PhD project is computational study of mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias in the fibrotic heart. Sudden cardiac death due to cardiac arrhythmias is the leading cause of mortality in the industrialized world. Some of the most important factors underpinning arrhythmias is alterations of the electrical properties of cardiac tissue due to an increased number of non-conducting cardiac cells (fibroblasts) and changes in some other properties of cardiac cells called remodelling. The mechanisms underlying the onset of arrhythmias under these conditions have not yet been identified. In this project we will address this problem using integrative computer modelling on cell, tissue and whole organ level.
We seek a motivated candidate with broad interest in biophysics, integrative computational and mathematical biology, biomedical engineering. Prior experience in cardiac modelling is an advantage, but not necessary.
Your work will include numerical integration of systems of ordinary and partial differential equations describing various regimes of wave propagation in the heart with the aim to identify mechanisms underlying arrhythmias in fibrotic cardiac tissue. Although most of the programs are already available at our group, a working knowledge of C/C++ is desirable.
Candidates who will obtain their degree in this academic year (2010 – 2011) are also encouraged to apply.
Prof. A.Panfilov
Tel. ++32 9 264 4964
Dept. Physics and Astronomy,
Krijgslaan 281-S9
B-9000 Gent
Duration of the project :
September 2011 –August 2015. Depending on the availability of the selected candidate, the starting (and end) date of the project can be somewhat shifted in either direction.
The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found
If you are interested, please contact:
Last application date: 2011-11-01 12:00
Oct 7, 2011
8:14 AM
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