Postgraduate Research Scholarships, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, University of Sydney, Australia
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) Rio Tinto Centre for Mining Automation Scholarship in Field Robotics
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) at the University of Sydney has established a major new Centre for Mine Automation. Rio Tinto, a global mining company, has committed $21 million of funding for an initial period of five years for this new Centre. The aim of the Centre for Mining Automation is to develop and implement the vision of a fully autonomous, remotely operated mine.
The ACFR is seeking students interested in PhD research in the area of autonomous systems, including data fusion, perception, control, learning and systems to be part of this exciting new initiative and apply for a full time scholarship sponsored by Rio Tinto.
There is no closing date for this opportunity. Applications are now open year round and successful applicants are expected to commence at the start of either semester one or semester two.
Applicants should have a first class Honours degree in mechanical/mechatronics engineering, mining engineering, electrical engineering, aeronautical/aerospace engineering, mathematics, physics, computer science or a related discipline or extensive appropriate professional experience.
Amount awarded:
The scholarship is valued at $27,651 per annum (tax exempt). The scholarship will be supplemented by access to overseas travel grants and other allowances.
Application guide:
For further information, and to submit an application, please contact Lisa Hunter-Smith, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, The Rose Street Building (J04), The University of Sydney NSW 2006 (Phone: 02 9351 8143; Fax: 02 9351 7474: Email;; Website: Applications should include a curriculum vitae, an academic transcript, and the names and contact details of two referees. A statement of the broad area of your research interest should also be included.
Closing date: 31 December 2011
Oct 8, 2011
6:50 AM
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