Through TCI Undergraduate Program, PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia is offering selected university students, an opportunity to receive scholarship and to build a professional career together with PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia.
What Does It Take?
To apply for PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia Undergraduate Program, the following qualifications should be fulfilled:
1. A current undergraduate student who will be in their 6th semester in 2012 from (but not limited to) the following discipline:
* Accounting
* Civil Engineering
* Electrical Engineering
* Environmental Engineering
* Finance
* Geodetic Engineering
* Geology Engineering
* Law
* Industrial Engineering
* Information Technology
* Management
* Mechanical Engineering
* Mining Engineering
* Occupational Health and Safety
* Psychology
2. Minimum GPA is 2.75 out of 4.00
3. Not currently receiving scholarships from any other institution or organization after being selected as TCI Undergraduate
4. Willing to sign Bound Agreement with PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia with a minimum working period of T = N + 1 *)
*) T = Period of employment in years
N = Length of education period funded by TCI in months
1 = 1 year
How to Apply?
Complete the Undergraduate Application Form (available at the Student Council or download it here) and attach the following documents:
* Latest 4×6 photograph attached to the Undergraduate Application Form
* Curriculum Vitae
* A certified copy of the latest academic transcript
* The latest tuition receipt
* A letter stating that you will not receive a scholarship from any other institution or organization after being selected as TCI Undergraduate (sealed)
* A letter stating that you are willing to follow orientation program during school holiday after being selected as TCI Undergraduate (sealed)
* Three essays in English with minimum 500 words per essay and printed on A4 paper, using size 10 Times New Roman font. The three topics are:
o Why do you choose your current major?
o What is your favourite subject that is relevant to TCI and how can you apply that to TCI?
o Why do you deserve a scholarship from TCI?
* SKCK Certificate from Police (if you don’t have it when you submit the documents, please bring it during the interview session).
You can submit your application and its supporting documents at the latest Wednesday, 30 November 2011 to:
* Email: or
* Mail it to: Theresia Agustina
Training and Development Department
PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia
Ratu Prabu 2 Building, 3rd floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta – Indonesia 12560
The successful candidates will be invited to the recruitment process on January 2012 and the scholarship will be given on the 7th semester.
What Do We Offer?
Students who pass the selection process will receive:
* Scholarship for maximum 2 semesters of IDR 6,000,000 per semester
* Opportunity to join Graduate Development Program at PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia after graduating from the university
Once you join PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia as a Graduate, you will get the opportunity to follow the other development programs available*):
* Management Development Program
* Secondment / temporary assignment to Thiess Australia
* External study (distance study) opportunity, for example:
o Maintenance Management from Central Queensland University
o Supply Chain Management from University of Southern Queensland
* Education assistance to pursue higher level of education
*) Based on development needs
Oct 31, 2011
3:51 AM
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