Nov 15, 2011

Asia University provides a number of scholarships each year for talented international students. All applicants have the opportunity to compete for scholarships provided by Asia University, depending on the qualifications of applicants, the program is recognized, and available funds. Applicants who have received other scholarships are not eligible to register.

My scholarship - tuition waiver, dormitory fee waiver and a monthly salary of NT $ 6,000
II scholarship - tuition, dormitory fee waiver
III Scholarship - tuition fees
Scholarships IV - 50% tuition

To apply for scholarships provided by the Asian University, the completed form with all required application materials must be sent directly to the Center for International Academic Exchange. Students awarded the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral programs are supported for a maximum of four, two and three years, respectively. Average score of less than 75 and 80 in the previous academic year for undergraduate and graduate students, respectively, will result in disqualification receive scholarships. To improve the internationalization and cultural exchange on campus, students are given part of the monthly salary required to participate in the activities of 30 semester hours regulated by the Office of International College.

Free Language Courses
Students choose courses conducted in English / Chinese must be sufficiently proficient in English / Chinese, respectively. To help students understand the language proficiency of new professors, placement tests in English / Chinese will be held after the international student orientation. Based on the results of testing, some students may be required to take some language courses are free.

In recent years, China has gained status as a world language. Asia universities recognize the importance of learning Chinese language and thus also encourage international students who choose English-teaching program to take a free Chinese courses taught by instructors holding an official license to teach Chinese.

Contact Information
International Academic Exchange Center
Phone: +886-4-23323456 ext. 6278
FAX: +886-4-23394140

The deadline for filing a regular application for admission and scholarships: November 30, 2011

For more information, please visit the official site:

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