Nov 22, 2011

Preference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia. Applicants will have:

Bachelor (S1) degree with at least 3.0 MHI (scale 4:00)
quality of leadership
a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures
demonstrate a commitment to field of study options
willingness to return to Indonesia after completing the Fulbright program-DIKTI
an institution of a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or IELTS score of 6.0

Candidates must complete the appropriate application form. Forms are available either through the mail or directly at:

-DIKTI Fulbright Scholarship Program
Directorate of Employment, Directorate General of Higher Education
Ministry of National Education
Building D lt. 5.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Gate 1 Senayan
Jakarta 10002

Please return your completed application packet with an application deadline that includes:

Fill out an application. The purpose of this research include written clearly and concisely.
Copy the most recent, less than two years, the institutional TOEFL or IELTS report.
One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.
Copy of academic transcripts and degree (English translation).
Photocopy of identity (ID card or passport).

Specific questions about the application process can be addressed to the following address:

DIKTI not accept email applications. Hard copy must be sent or delivered to DIKTI.

Deadline for submission of applications for all programs is April 15, 2012.

For more information, please visit the official site:

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