Nov 25, 2011

Announced to the students of Islamic University of Indonesia concerning BUSINESS SCHOLARSHIP PLAN bid from Bank Mandiri Tbk. with the following conditions:


Current Student Islamic University of Indonesia;
Has pioneered entrepreneurship;
The filing may be individuals or groups;

Categories of business:

Businesses that produce products manufacturing, agriculture, animal husbandry, plantation, fishery, mining, property development, perthutanan and textiles.
Trade & Services
A business that adds value without producing other goods between stores, retail, agency, distributor, consultant, transportation, health care, education, publishing and printing, laundry, travel agency, event organizer.
A business that adds value by producing and or trading of food products including food and beverage processing industries, restaurants, owner of brands franchiese food or beverage and catering.
Based on entrepreneurial creativity include advertising, TV and radio, Film, Video and Photography, music, performing arts, architecture, design, fashion, crafts, business-based ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and engineering technologies including software development, hardware, systems, applications, robotics, micro controllers, creation of websites, blogs, e-commerce, online shop system makers and security system.

How to Apply
The announcement at the latest proposals to the Directorate collected Talent Development / Student Interests and Welfare (DPBMKM) on November 24, 2011 on working hours. Selection and announcement will be held on 25 November 2011 on the website

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