Dec 16, 2011

Erasmus Mundus EXPERTS Scholarships, Europe

EXPERT is a scholarship project funded by the European Commission are targeted at people of Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

In accordance with the call EMA2, the purpose of the project EXPERT is to facilitate collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) from South and Southeast Asia (SSEA) and the European Union through the exchange of information on issues of science and policy while sharing the key issues of sustainable development development in academic cooperation.

This project provides the following mobility scholarships from South and Southeast Asia to the European partner universities (Please note-there is no scholarship from the European Union for SSEA) -

Undergraduate and graduate students
PhD students
Staff (both academic and administrative)

The EXPERT aims to create an innovative framework for capacity development junior faculty, students, graduate students and postdoc researchers through training and improve their skills in a particular field of study through a structured mobility schemes.


In order to be elegible candidate, you definitely do not reside or have your main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one European country.
No student, and no member of academic staff can benefit from more than one mobility activity within the same project.
There are no current mobility for students and academic staff between institutions in these countries SSEA of a partnership. Mobility only from SSEA countries to Europe.

This project puts emphasis on research and cooperation, establish a collaborative framework for the development of human resources through training and skills upgrading junior faculty, students, graduate students and postdoc researchers by specific learning objectives in the field of engineering and technology, agricultural science, environmental studies, business management and social sciences. Implementation of individual mobility, with special emphasis to research initiatives, will provide students with the mobility of the SSEA region to a wider choice of opportunities for learning experiences in the EU higher education institutions. We anticipate to further strengthen our cooperation and to develop new areas of cooperation in aligning innovative research and continuous measures for transparency and comparison between different HE systems in the countries of the European Union and SSEA under EM Action 2. By applying the ECTS standard to the stock, transparency and recognition of studies and qualifications will be improved and the know-how on the Bologna process disseminated.

The consortium has chosen to enter the 4 countries of the group A (Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan) and 6 of group B countries (China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Thailand). All together, the consortium consists of 13 universities from SSEA and 7 universities from the EU which allows coverage as the field of study as much as possible. The partners were chosen because they are the university's network (such as the Asia-SEARCA and in Europe: Coimbra Group, AGRINATURA), which ensures the effective dissemination of information about the project.

Academic areas of study within the project II EXPERT:

Main areas of study:

Agricultural science
Architecture, urban and regional planning
Business and management science research
Education and teacher training
Engineering, technology
Geography, Geology
Natural Sciences
Social sciences

Other areas of study:

Physical Education and Sports Science
Studies Peisure
Houses of Economics and Nutrition
Nautical Science and Navigation

Target Group 1
Bachelor's, master's and doctoral students, post-doctoral, and academic and administrative staff who contribute to the overall topic EXPERT project in university research and the cooperation of the participating partners of the SSEA. Candidates must be enrolled at the university of origin at the time of application and in the case of undergraduate students, they must have successfully completed at least one year of study at their home institutions.

Target mobility: undergraduate, masters, doctorate, post-doctoral and staff (academic and administrative)

Target Group 2
Master's, doctoral students, and post-doctorate from the university partners from non SSEA (concerned with the lot 11) and graduates of the university partners, project-oriented topics EXPERTS in research and cooperation.

Target mobility: master's, doctoral and post-doctoral

Target Group 3
Teachers and doctoral students belong to minority groups provide proposals that improve collaboration and research through innovation in their area will be sought in this category.

Some examples may include:

Candidates have refugee status or asylum beneficiaries (international or according to national legislation of one of the European recipient countries);
Candidates, who have been the object justified expulsion from university on racial, ethnic, religious, gender politics, or sexual desire;
Candidates, who belong to the indigenous population targeted by a specific national policy or IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons).

Target mobility: master and doctoral


Candidates Only the following nationalities are eligible to apply: Bangladesh - Bhutan - China - India - Indonesia - Nepal - Pakistan - Sri Lanka - Philippines - Thailand
In order to become a qualified candidate, you definitely do not reside or have your main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in one European country.
No student, and no member of academic staff can benefit from more than one mobility activity within the same project.
There are no current mobility for students and academic staff between institutions in these countries SSEA of a partnership. Mobility only from SSEA countries to Europe.

Expected start date was nominated for the scholarship recipients in 2012 EXPERT II should begin their scholarship by December 31, 2012. Exchange of Bachelor and Master Students follow the structure of the semester at the University of Host. For the period, please refer to the Host University website '.

List of Documents required:

A copy of passport or other official proof of identity
Proof of language proficiency instruction
Copies of most recent academic record transcript (current students)
A copy of the certificate or Diploma of Higher Education acquired prior to this study (current and former students and staff)
Examples of publications (if relevant)
At least two letters of recommendation
Motivation Letter for each of the Host University indicated
Research Proposal (Doctoral and Post Doctoral Candidates only)
CV (Europass Format)
For TG3 - proof vulnerable situations

- For a full degree, please refer to the University Hosts 'website for details about the programs' application deadlines. Make sure you respect EXPERT II application deadline and a separate University Host a particular application program deadline.

- Language requirements of college - a testament to the language of instruction at the University of the Host should be presented. In terms of candidate exchange, an official proof of language skills issued by the University House is pretty, while the degree-seeking Candidates must submit official proof of language assessment and acknowledged - please refer to the Host University website 'or contact the host university directly for details on requirements language.

- Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and Staff Candidates are encouraged to establish communication with the Host respected university departments, an academic or research groups prior to application. Letter of Invitation, if obtained, must be attached to the application form.

- The economic situation is difficult - Candidates in a difficult economic situation are encouraged to inform the Consortium for the situation in the online application, in a letter of motivation. A proof of the difficult economic situation may be required.

TG3 Candidates are asked to provide evidence of a fragile situation in the application form.

The European Union University

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Coordinator
Ms. Agnieszka Buelens
Project Coordinator
Göttingen International (GI)
Von-Siebold-Str. 4
37 075 Göttingen
Tel: +49 551 39 2228 2
Fax: +49 551 39 1425 4
Email: agnieszka.buelens @

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Ms Vicky Wandels
International Policy Unit
Naamsestraat 63
Leuven, Belgium
Email: Vicky.Wandels @

Masaryk University
Ms Violeta Osouchova
Erasmus Mundus Coordinators
Office of International Studies
Komenského nám. 2
602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel: + 49 420 549 5878
Fax: + 420 549 1113 49

Universidad Santiago de Compostela
Ms. Lorena Barbeitio Barciela
The International Office
15 782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Politecnico di Torino
Ms Bianca Buttiglione
Department of International Relations
International Projects and Cooperation Development
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10129 Torino, Italy
Fax: + 39 011 090 8644
Email: bianca.buttiglione @

University of Turku
Ms Liisa Aho
The International Office
Fi-20 014 Turku, Finland
Email: liisa.aho @

University of Uppsala
Gustaf Car
The International Office
Box 256
SE-751 05 Uppsala
Tel: +46 18 471 22 20
Fax: +46 18 471 16 00
Skype: gustaf_iro_uu / uppsalauniversity

South Asia and East Asia, University of

Royal university of Bhutan
Mr. Nima Dukpa
Dean, Student Affairs
Faculty of Science and Technology
PO Box 450, Rinchending
Phuenthsoling, Bhutan
Tel: +975 5 240056

Kathmandu University
Prof. Dr. Tuladhar Bhadraman
Dhulikhel, Kavre
PO Box 6250, Nepal

Tribhuvan University
Prof. Keshab Datt Awasthi
Institute of Forestry
Kaski Pokhara, PO Box 43, Nepal
Tel: +977 61 430026

Khulna University
Dr. Md. Golam Rakkibu
Professor, Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline
9208 Khulna
Tel: +88041 720171-3 ext. 2010
Fax: +88 041 731244 (university)

University of the Punjab
Dr. Nadeem Sheikh
Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
University of the Punjab
54 590 Lahore

University of Pune
Dr. Vasudha Garde
International Center
Ganeshkhind Road, Pune 411 007, India

University of Delhi
Prof. Navnita Chadha Behera
Department of Political Science
110 001 New Delhi, India
Email: polscience.du @

University of Peradeniya
Prof. Anoma Abhayaratne
Faculty of Arts
20 400 Paradeniya, Sri Lanka

Bogor Agricultural University
Prof. Dr. Anas Fauzi Miftah
Vice Rector for Research and Collaboration
Rectorate Building, Campus IPB
Bogor, Indonesia
Tel: +62-2 518 622 637

Kasetsart University
Dr. Somsakdi Tabtimthong
Division of International Affairs
50 Phaholyothin Road
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 942 8171
Fax: +66-2 942 8170
E-mail: and
(Office of Foreign Relations)

Visayas State University
Dr. Victor B. ASIO
Professor of Soil Science & Geo-ecology
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture
Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A, Philippines
Tel: +63-53-335-2627
Fax: +63-53-563-7107
Email: vbasio.asio @

Nanjing University
Cai Dandan
Program Officer
Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges
Room 101, Building Shuhua / Gulou Campus / 22 Hankou Road / Nanjing 210 093
Tel: +86-25 83592606
Fax: +86-25 83307680

University of Science and Technology of China (USTC)
Zhengkai Zhou, Deputy Director / Lynn Qiu, Program Officer
The International Office
Hefei, Anhui 230 026
P. R. China
Tel: +86-551-3602848
Fax: +86-551-3632579

The deadline for applications is 16:00 CET on February 10, 2012

For more information, please visit the official site:

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