Dec 31, 2011

PhD Positions in Energy and Climate Research, at HITEC (Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Energy and Climate), Germany - HITEC (Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Doctoral Training in Energy and Climate) is an international graduate school for scientists and engineers who want to earn a Ph.D. challenges in energy and climate research. HITEC is a joint initiative between the Forschungszentrum Jülich, RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, University of Cologne, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, and the University of Wuppertal. As a rule Ph.D. Certificates are awarded by a university member. HITEC is committed to scientific excellence, for interdisciplinary and international research environment, to a learning environment that includes receive diversity, and aims to change the Ph.D. students become experts are also needed for academia and industry. HITEC offers 3-year training program that accompanies the doctoral thesis: students can choose from a variety of HITEC events, including lectures on the topic or methods, hands-on training in the laboratory or professional skills training, such as writing or scientific presentation.

Job Description
12 HITEC Ph.D. project is open for application:

Determination of thermodynamic key data for the development of advanced lithium ion battery electrode materials
Effect of large-scale production processes on the behavior of precipitation hardening ferritic heat-resistant iron-base alloys
Development of liquid silicon hydride-based semiconductor technology
The dynamics of electrons in a linear plasma device and its impact on plasma surface interactions
Eco-balance of biogas plants and energy crop cultivation
Derivation of atomic oxygen and temperature in the middle atmosphere and how they are affected by global changes with global change
Global gravitational-wave modeling constrained by satellite observations
Asian summer monsoon and its impact on the composition of the stratosphere
Profiling atmospheric cloud, temperature and humidity using ground-based infrared spectrometer
Novel mathematical approach to estimate the air quality and climate forcing energy emission processes of technical
On the temperature dependence of kinetic isotope effects
Secondary organic aerosol formation from biogenic VOC: oxidant effect of anthropogenic emissions on aerosol formation

For more information about the project visit the website at HITEC

We are looking for highly qualified scientists and engineers and motivated. Candidates are expected to have a teacher, a German "Diplom" or equivalent degree, when they begin a Ph.D. their projects. Specific degree and experience required are indicated for each project listed in the call for applications. Integration in international co-operation requires the ability to cooperate in an international team, so we expect good skills in written and spoken English.

Please note that applications for HITEC welcomed colleagues from qualified applicants, regardless of gender, ethnicity or country of origin, but will only be considered if requirements are met and the application guidelines be strictly adhered to.

The best candidates will be invited to Germany for a week (April 2012) in order to work out the details of the project with the research group that hosts the project. The final decision candidates / projects will be achieved after the individual presentations. The starting point will start in June 2012, then began the possible. Payment PhD fellow will be based on the Collective Agreement for Civil Service (TVöD).

For your application please follow the Guidelines for Applicants:

Please send your application with relevant documentation and quoting reference number into the electronic D114/2011 b.koester [at] in the Office of HITEC. Only complete applications will be accepted for review.

Deadline is February 8, 2012.

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