Dec 9, 2011

Achievement Scholarship Program PT Astra International Tbk is composed of two types of Full Scholarship Program and Scholarship Program. The shape of Achievement Scholarship Program in PT Astra International Tbk Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic is as follows:

Full Scholarship Program, administered in the form of free tuition for 3 (three) years and the provision of pocket money for the student each month. The amount of the allowance is determined by the Decree of the Director of Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic. Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic will conduct an evaluation of scholarships in each semester and may continue or dismiss the suit of Achievement Scholarship Program terms and conditions apply.
Scholarship Program, awarded to scholarship recipients who have participated in the selection process Full Scholarship Program and pass the selection up to the stage of psychological test and interview, but due to limited quotas will not go on Full Scholarship Program. Scholarship Program is free money awarded in the form of education contributions. Participants who are willing to participate Scholarship Program must follow the Health Test selection.

Selection of scholarship recipients will be conducted at Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic Campus and in places outside the campus who have been appointed by Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic.
Stages of selection are as follows:

Stage 1: Selection of Administrative
Stage 2: psychological test and interview
Stage 3: Health Test

Each knockout stages of the selection effect. The whole announcement of the selection process is done through the website

Administrative requirements:

Citizen of Indonesia
Graduates of high school / vocational equivalent of all the majors (as evidenced by a certificate / letter of academic graduation during registration);
Graduates of 2012 or are currently taking a class XII;
Jasamani and mentally healthy and not color blind (especially for concentrations of Heavy Engineering Equipment (TAB), the applicant is male and has a height 160cm);
Parental income certificate or letter from the Village can not afford;
Copy of electricity bill last month;
Recommended schools based on school of origin;
Report cards semester 1 s / d 4 classes X and Xl average 7.5 (Mathematics, Physics, English), no value below 7.00;
Not being or will receive scholarships from other sources.

Administrative requirements are the main reference for the next process.

Astra Achievement Scholarship Forms can be downloaded at began October 28, 2011. Fully completed form with attachments sent to addresses other requirements:

Astra Achievement Scholarship Program Committee
Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic
Campus: Astra International Complex Building B, Fl. 5
Jl. Gaya Motor Raya. 8 II Sunter, North Jakarta 14 330

Delivery Deadline
Scholarship application form must be sent to Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic dated no later than January 6, 2012 (postmark).

Selection Criteria Administration

Parental income: lower income, higher scores
Gender: Female, score 0 for Mechanical Equipment (TAB)
School of Origin: The origin of high school academic achievement, higher scores
Value Ratings: higher value, higher scores
Elderly dependents: Dependent parents grew, the greater the score

Evaluation items can be adapted to field conditions, because this scholarship is a tuition assistance for college students study potential but less capable in terms of economic and geographic factors, then these items are the selection criteria that must exist in addition to the criteria that apply in Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic .

Psychological test and interview
To attract interest, coordination, clarification and accuracy of information provided on the administrative requirements, Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic conduct psychological test and an interview with the selection of scholarship recipients who otherwise qualify for the administrative selection. The results of a psychological test and interview these recommendations or not recommended.

Health Tests
For scholarship recipients who passed the selection at this stage of psychological test and interview, then had to undergo medical tests. Criteria and locations of medical tests will be submitted at the time of the announcement of psychological test and pass the selection interview. The cost of medical tests are borne by scholarship recipients.

Number of Candidates Fellows
The number of scholarship recipients proposed for each concentration is maximum 35% of the quota number of students at each concentration, with a total student Achievement Scholarship recipients are 86 people or 35% of total students per batch of 246 students.

Evaluation of performance studies conducted each semester to assess the impact of scholarships on student performance. The results of this evaluation will be taken into consideration for the receipt of a scholarship next year.

Scholarships terminated if:

Students graduating or removed
Student dies
Students violating regulations on Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic
Students resigned as scholarship recipients
Grade below the required value


Download process Achievement Scholarship Form: October 28, 2011 s / d January 6, 2012
Limits of receipt (postmark): January 6, 2012
Announcement of Selection Result Sheet: January 13, 2012
Psychological test and interview: 21-22 January 2012
Announcement of Selection Result psychological test and interview: February 10, 2012
Health tests: February 11, 2012
Final announcement and download process Achievement Scholarship Program Agreement: February 20, 2012
The download task information about Astra: 30 April 2012
Acceptance limits of academic registration, agreement achievement scholarship program, the task of papers on the Astra and the resignation of the scholarship program accomplishments: May 2, 2012
Pre Course: 28-31 August 2012
Course starts: 17 September 2012

For more information, please visit official website:

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