Jan 22, 2012

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships, Instituto Superiore Di Design, Italy- CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
Undergraduate and postgraduate PROGRAM - ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-12

Istituto Superiore IN DESIGN offers for academic year 2011/2012 for foreigners and Italians living abroad scholarships covering 50% of education costs are distributed among the various programs as specified below:

The number of scholarships and the relative amount
30 scholarships of 4.000 Euros for 1-year Master's program was held in Italian with simultaneous translation in English, distributed as follows:

12 for courses in Fashion Design
08 for the Master's program in Graphic Design
10 for courses in Interior Design

30 Scholarships for Intensive 1-year program held in Italian with simultaneous translation in English, distributed as follows:

12 for Intensive courses in Fashion Design
08 to Intensive courses in Graphic Design
10 for Intensive courses in Interior Design

Request for scholarship
Applicants must send all the following together for interstudent@isdnapoli.it in

30 September 2011 (for intake of 2011 November),
30 November 2011 (for January 2012 intake)
January 30, 2012 (for March 2012 intake)

a) a copy of the scholarship request form duly filled and signed
b) curriculum vitae
c) The portfolio contains a selection of student work
e) letter of motivation
d) a copy of passport
- For a Masters Degree student copy or copies of Diploma level of postsecondary students
- For a copy of the diploma courses Intensive

Can apply for a scholarship students have graduated if they will pass at least 40 days prior to commencement of course
Master's program is also open to students not holding a Bachelor's degree, if they have significant work experience in the nearby area of ​​interest.

Evaluation Process
Evaluation Committee will consider the following criteria in evaluating applicants: performance studies, the curriculum may prove relevant experience both in terms of education or work activities, letter of motivation.

Evaluation Results
Istituto Superiore IN DESIGN within one month of receiving the application, the results of these evaluations will communicate via e-mail to applicants who have been awarded a scholarship and will send a registration application form.

The deadline for receipt of scholarship
All scholarship recipients, within one month of receipt of the communication must send a letter with the application form duly completed and signed registration to interstudent@isdnapoli.it and will pay a registration fee of 2,000 euros, if the student will lose the right to be eligible for scholarships.

Studies program
More information on every single program that is available on the site www.isdnapoli.net or may be requested through writing an email in interstudent@isdnapoli.it.

For more information, please visit the official site: www.esteri.it

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