Feb 15, 2012

KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Sung Kyun Kwan University, Korea
Admission Schedule

Application for University Nomination Jan. 26
Reviewing Process for Applicants (2nd Round) April 23
Announcement of Final Nominees Aprl 30
Reviewing Process for Applicants (3rd Round) May 31
Announcement of Final Nominees June 11

Eligibility for Application

Same as the qualification for KGSP scholarship
Students with language proficiency test scores (TOPIK, TOFEL, IELTS, etc.) can receive extra points on the reviewing process

Application Procedure

The selection of the University Nominee will be decided by reviewing the submitted documents and interview (Interview can be exempted)
After being selected as the final KGSP scholarship student, the student has to go through the admission process once more when entering the degree program at SKKU.
The student has to achieve the required language qualification by the time of admission process in order to be accepted for the degree program.

Campus Life (Residence Hall)

Humanities & Social Sciences Campus (Seoul) does not provide dormitory facilities for international students. You will have to find accommodation off-campus or live in NIIED dormitory which is located very close to SKKU campus.
Natural Sciences Campus (Suwon) provides on-campus dormitory for international students. For more information on the dormitory, visit our website at http://dorm.skku.ac.kr/.

Important Notes

Even if you have been chosen as our final nominee, you are not guaranteed to be selected as the final KGSP scholarship student. You will have to pass the selection at NIIED.
The student who has been selected as final KGSP scholarship student has to fulfill the department’s language requirement after 6 months/ 1 year of language program in order to be accepted for the degree program.
Even if you are selected as the final KGSP scholar, you have to apply for admission again when you begin your degree program as an official procedure.
The applicants for university nomination must consult with the professor at SKKU to apply for the nomination

How to Apply
Send all required documents (including originals) to the below address:
Hyunyoung Park
110-745 International Hall 2F(#212) International Office
Sungkyunkwan University Myeongnyundong 3-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea

Contact Information
Ms. Hyunyoung Park
International Office, Sungkyunkwan University
Phone: +82-2-760-0152 / Email: chrisphy@skku.edu

Please contact the department office for more specific information on the major and research areas. (Contact Information will be updated on our English Website Bulletin Board)

Sung Kyun Kwan University
Address: 53 Myeongnyun-dong 3-ga, Jongno-gu, Seou 110-745
Website: http://www.skku.edu

For more information on scholarships, please read: Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for International Graduate Students

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