Mar 25, 2012

Master Scholarships in Natural Science, Netherlands

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Medical Genetics Cluster
P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 10-7043344 Fax: 31 - (0) 10-7044736
Internet: / mscmolmed

Molecular Medicine

Takes (partly) place in: French, Spanish
Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in biomedical sciences (biochemistry, biology, medicine).
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

University of Leiden
P.O. Box 9500, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 71-527 1111
E-mail: Internet


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: December 1, 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree in Biology, in other natural sciences, life sciences, and bio-medical fields relevant sciencesor
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Science and Technology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: December 1, 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Life Science & Technology or related field.
Other requirements: GPA (grade point average) of at least 75% of maximum scale
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: December 1, 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree in Physics or relevant field.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Health Sciences / Nijmegen Center for Molecular
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 24-3618944 Fax: 31 - (0) 24-3541888
E-mail: Internet

Molecular Mechanisms of Disease

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Cell Biology, Molecular Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology or Molecular Biology.
Other requirements: complete the required application form, including reference and motivation. The results should be included in the undergraduate application package Top 10% of the class BSc.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Amsterdam
Faculty of Science
Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 20-5257870
Internet: / international_programmes

Biological Sciences

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Average Grade: Applicants are expected to have an overall average path grade (GPA) equivalent to at least: 3.0 (American system) 2.1 (second class upper / division one title in the British system) C (ECTS- system)
Professional Requirements: Candidates with 2 years of work experience and a Bachelor's degree in one of the fields mentioned, may also apply.
Other requirements: Grade average: Applicants are expected to have an overall average path grade (GPA) equivalant to at least: 3.0 (American system) 2.1 (second class upper / division one title in the British system) C (ECTS-system)
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Forensic Science

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Average Grade: Applicants are expected to have an overall average path grade (GPA) equivalent to at least: 3.0 (American system) 2.1 (second class upper / division one title in the British system) C (ECTS- system)
Professional requirements: Not required but helps other requirements: Grade list: Applicants are expected to have a grade point average overall (GPA) equivalant to at least: 3.0 (American system) or 2.1 (second class upper / division one degree in the UK system) or C (ECTS-system)
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

University of Groningen
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
P.O. Box 72, 9700 AB Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 50-3634615 Fax: 31 - (0) 50-3634500
E-mail: Internet / internationalmasters

Applied physics

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor degree in Physics or Applied Physics.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Astronomy; possible to get a Bachelor's degree in physics or applied physics.
Other requirements: Additional Title: Board of Examiners will decide about your admission.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor degree in Physics or Applied Physics.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Utrecht
Faculty of Geosciences
P.O. Box 80 115, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 30-2534527 Fax: 31 - (0) 30-2530604
E-mail: Internet / internationalstudents

Geographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA)

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Geo-sciences or other fields of science and have the basic knowledge and experience in Geoinformation.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

University of Utrecht
Faculty of Science
Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 30-253 2284 Fax: 31 - (0) 30-253 5787
E-mail: science.internationaloffice @
Internet: / internationalstudents

History and Philosophy of Science

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Science and minor in History or Philosophy, or BSc in History or Philosophy and a minor in Science
Other requirements: personal motivation: a written request:
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

University of Utrecht
Faculty of Science / Graduate School of Science
Princetonplein 5, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 30-253 1858
E-mail: science.internationaloffice @
Internet: / internationalstudents

MSc Environmental Biology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 24 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: December 1, 2011
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Biology, with the knowledge of ecological aspects, physiological or molecular level 3 (third year of college) in Plant Biology.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Molecular and Cellular Biology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 24 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: December 1, 2011
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Biomedical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences or equivalent. Basic knowledge of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Nanomaterials: Chemistry and Physics

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 24 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: December 1, 2011
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Physics or Chemistry or equivalent science major.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

University of Utrecht
Faculty of Geosciences
P.O. Box 80 021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 30-2535050 Fax: 31 - (0) 30-2535030
E-mail: Internet / internationalstudents

Sustainable Development

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: minimum capacity required in the context of previous education: research skills; basic level of knowledge either in social or natural sciences; some general insight in sustainability issues and intervention strategies (from socialscience
Other Requirements: Certified competence: the average value: gradelist: languagetest:
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

University of Utrecht
Faculty of Medicine
P.O. Box 85 500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 30 755 9397
E-mail: Internet / internationalstudents

Toxicology and Environmental Health

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in (bio) medical Sceinces or Biology or Environmental Sciences or (veterinary) Medecine.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 20-5987301 Fax: 31 - (0) 20-6462457
E-mail: Internet


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in biology or equivalent
Other requirements: a written request: Motivation letter, cv and references. Class list: transcript of records
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Earth Science or BSc in Geology
Other requirements: a written request: cv, motivation letter and references gradelist: transcript of records
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Geosciences of Basin and lithosphere

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 24 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Bachelor's degree in Earth Science with high value
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Hydrology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 24 Months
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Bachelor's degree in earth sciences, geology or geography
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Wageningen University
P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 - (0) 317-484848 Fax: 31 - (0) 317-484884
E-mail: Internet / msc


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in agriculture, biology, animal or veterinary science, fisheries or a related field.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Cultivation and Management of Marine Resources

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in animal science, biology, fisheries, marine science. BSc in water science, water eco-technology or a related field.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in chemistry, biology, plant science, animal science, food science or related field.
Other requirements: Grade average: the average grade point of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in biology
Other requirements: good skills in mathematics and / or statistics. Basic computer skills. languagetest: gradeaverage: grade point average of at least 70%
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented


Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in biotechnology, life sciences, (bio) chemical, biological, chemical engineering, environmental sciences, molecular sciences, food science, etc.
Other requirements: Grade average: the average grade point of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

Hydrology and Water Quality

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012
Fellowship applications Special Time: February 7, 2012
Education requirements: Bachelor's degree in earth sciences, environmental sciences, agricultural sciences, civil engineering or a related field.
Other requirements: good skills in mathematics and / or statistics. Basic computer skills. languagetest: gradeaverage: grade point average of at least 70%
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Molecular Biology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in natural sciences or related molecular.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Sex: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Plant Biotechnology

Cause: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
The next course starts: 1 September 2012; February 1, 2013
Academic application deadlines: January 31, 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: February 7, 2012; May 1, 2012
Education Requirements: Bachelor's degree in biology, plant science, molecular (life) sciences, biotechnology or related fields.
Other requirements: Point average grade of at least 70%, good skills in mathematics and / or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender categories: 4. The subject is not gender-oriented

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