Dec 3, 2012
8:36 AM
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The Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM) Master is an initiative of 47 european institutions from 8 different European countries that aims to:
Establish a European standard for research-oriented studies in TCCM.
Prepare experts in the use and development of computational techniques in molecular sciences, to work with innovative pharmaceutical, petrochemical and new-materials industries.
Prepare students for doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Life or Material Sciences.
Promote international mobility of research students.
Offer to students from a wide range of countries (including non-European ones) a highly qualified title at the post-bachelor level.
The master can be accessed by students having a Bachelor in Chemistry, in Physics or in Material Science or any equivalent level if authorized by the legislation of the corresponding European Country. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided the student takes complementary levelling courses, under the supervision of his local Tutor.
The TCCM European Master is spread over two years and corresponds to 120 ECTS credits.
The first year (M1) will be taken at the student’s home Institution, and will be devoted to providing the student with a background in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling as well as in advanced aspects within the different areas of Chemistry. In the first year the student must attend courses and pass related exams for 60 ECTS credits. These courses will provide the student with the background necessary to follow the second year of the Master, which has a marked International research character.
The second year (M2), mostly international, is devoted to courses and research activity in advanced aspects of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling as well as in their applications to the most important fields of modern Chemistry, Material Science and Biology. For this purpose all students will take, compulsorily, a four-week Intensive Course that will be followed by 10 weeks of tutorial work in the home Institution up to complete 30 ECTS credits. The second part of M2 will be devoted to an introduction to research, equivalent to 30 ECTS credits. Part of this research activity has to be carried out abroad, in a host Institution of the Consortium of a country different from that of the home Institution. For this purpose, each student will undertake a research project, under the supervision of a local Tutor, and in close collaboration with his tutor at the host Institution. The Master will end with the defence of a Master Thesis.
Teaching language:
The official language of the master is English but the institution has the option to choice the language of the lessons because the students have to learn a second European language.
Lessons in the local language / English
Institutions from Toulouse, Porto and Perugia.
Lessons in English
Institutions from: Groningen, Leuven, Madrid and Valencia.
Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with Third-Countries. In addition, it contributes to the development of human resources and the international cooperation capacity of Higher education institutions in Third Countries by increasing mobility between the European Union and these countries.
Erasmus Mundus scholarships to perform Master studies in TCCM will be available annually for Third Country (category A scholarships) and European students (category B scholarships). Both types of grants cover tuition fees of the awardees and category A grants include also an insurance for the two years of the Master. Students will receive a monthly payment amounting, per year, to 6000 € for European students and 12000 € for Third Country* students, who will be also supported for travelling from the origin country and installation in the destination.
Please take into account this minimum requirements to apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship:
Any student are allowed to apply for a EM scholarship to a maximum of 3 different Master or Doctoral joint programmes.
Third Country students who have been residents or have carried out their main activity (studies, training or work) in any of the EU or EEA member states for more than a total of 12 months over the last 5 years (prior to the 28th of February 2012) are not allowed to apply for a category A scholarship. They could instead be selected for a category B scholarship.
Students who have already been awarded with an Erasmus Mundus (Action 1) grant can not apply. Students who have been Erasmus along their Bachelor degree, are allowed to apply.
Should you have any question please contact the coordinator of the Master (Prof. Manuel Yáñez) at the following address:
The requirements to be accepted in the TCCM Master are:
Bachelor in Chemistry, Physics or Material Science,1 or any equivalent level if authorized by the legislation of the corresponding European Country. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided the student takes complementary levelling courses, under the supervision of his/her local Tutor.
Internationally recognized English proficiency certificate equivalent to a TOEFL score of at least 213/500, 65/120 or 513/677, an IELTS score of at least 6, First Cambridge Certificate or B2.
The same criteria apply to students coming from European and from third countries.
For students coming from third countries or having a Bachelor different from those mentioned above, the possession of the following (or equivalent) subjects at the level of the Chemistry Eurobachelor needs to be certified:
Chemical Bonding, Atomic and Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Interactions, General Physics, Mathematics, General Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Spectroscopy.
Some deficiencies may be remedied through the levelling course. However, if there are deficiencies in more than two of the aforementioned areas, the applicant will not be accepted.
Interested students should fill and submit the corresponding on-line application form that will be published each year in the web page of the Master, for both Category A and B Erasmus Mundus scholarships (Third Country and European students). The required supporting documentation shall be sent by electronic mail to
The admission of students and selection of Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holders is carried out by the TCCM International Committee. The evaluation is made according to the information provided in the application form, supported by the following documents:
A letter of motivation
A CV, including full academic information (degree, matters studied indicating the marks obtained, level of English and all the information the applicant may consider relevant).
An English transcription of the academic record (and a document describing the subjects studied in the university degree and the marks obtained, with special attention on the ones listed above, for Bachelors not awarded in Europe or different from Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science).
English transcription of the degree certificates to be considered(1).
An internationally recognized English level test.
A copy of your whole passport, all the pages from the beginning to the end. If your passport doesn’t contain the information regarding the last five years, you have to send also a copy of your previuos passport (it’s no valid any other document like ID card or birth certificate).
A letter on the conformity with the call guidelines (template to be provided)
The names, address and electronic mail of 2 Professors/researchers who may be contacted for references
All students must enroll at one of the seven Universities in the TCCM Consortium:
AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MADRID, Spain (Co-ordinating institution)
Hence they must provide a list with their preferences rating a minimum of four of them, from 1 (top preference) to 4 (lowest preference).
All this information should be sent electronically to the Coordinator of the Master ( before January 31st for both, Third Country and EU-EEA students, according to the procedure established for each call in the web page of the Master.
Please note that if the applicant is admitted in the Master, he/she will need to provide mandatorily, the corresponding certified copies of the academic record and degree certificates (legalized accordingly with the applicable legislation between the origin and host country) and English proficiency certificate.
The steps of the selection processs are the following:
Sending of the application form and documentation.
After deadline, the International Commitee scores the applications according with the background, merits etc.
They make a list with the scores, from the highest to the lowest score .
From this list are selected the aspirants for the scholarships.
Their refeeres are contacted to record more information about the corresponding aspirant.
The selected aspirants for the scholarships are contacted in order to make an appointment for a meeting through skype, phone or by other means.
1 Students in the last year of any of these Bachelor studies can apply. However, they will be definitely accepted only if they successfully finish their Bachelor studies before the 1st of September of the Academic Year in which they wish to start the Master Courses
Deadline: January 31st, 2013
For more information, please visit official website:
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