Feb 24, 2013

Bocconi University ItalyBocconi University offers up to 40 need-based scholarships to international students enrolling in a Master of Science Program at Bocconi. The awarding of the scholarship also takes into consideration academic performances of the students. THE SCHOLARSHIP The Scholarship consists of full tuition waiver worth approximately € 11,500.00 per year for a maximum of 2 academic years. The renewal of the scholarship is subject to meeting merit criteria. Scholarship applications must be submitted by the same deadline as that of applicant’s Bocconi online admission’s application. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Only applicants for the first year of a Bocconi Master program who meet all the following conditions will be taken into consideration for the awarding of the scholarship: non-Italian citizenship; non-Italian residence; a non-Italian Undergraduate degree earned abroad or in Italy; Students who meet any of the following conditions will NOT be taken into consideration: previously enrolled in a graduate program in Italy or abroad; recipient of a scholarship awarded for the AY 2013-14 by private or public institutions. APPLICATION PROCESS AND AWARDING Applicants must complete and submit the online Bocconi Scholarship online application form, available at www.unibocconi.eu/finaidapplications, by the same deadline as that of their Bocconi online admission’s application. Please refer to the deadlines indicated in the table below; online applications submitted after the proper deadline will be not considered. The online application will require detailed information regarding the student’s family economic condition. Regardless of the applicant’s economic status, the economic information of the applicant’s parents and nuclear family members will also be taken into consideration. RENEWAL CRITERIA The award will be renewed for a maximum of 1 academic year for Master of Science programs, according to the guidelines set by the official Bocconi Scholarship Application Requirements and Regulations each year, to the students who meet the below criteria: are enrolled in the relevant year of the Degree program and have made the payment of the advance on the 1st installment of tuition and fees by 18 September 2014; and for the Second year (2014-15) earn at least 49 credits by August 10, 2014 with a grade point average of at least 26/30 The grade point average is calculated as the weighted credit average of all grades for exams and modules passed and registered in the recipient’s academic record. The renewal of the Bocconi Scholarship for International Students for the second year is not subject to the submission of economic documents each year. EXCLUSION AND REVOCATION OF THE BOCCONI SCHOLARSHIP Students will automatically lose the scholarship if they: do not accept the award according to the guidelines set forth in the awarding email; provide incorrect economic information; receive disciplinary sanctions imposed by Bocconi University: disciplinary sanctions imposed by Bocconi University will result in a revocation of all benefits, including those granted for the Academic Year when the sanctioned behaviour took place. Students whose award is revoked must settle all tuition and fees payments with the TCA office. For further information please contact: Student Services Office – Piazza Sraffa, 13 – 20136 Milano – Italia e-mail: financial.aid@unibocconi.it tel. (+39) 02.5836.2152

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