Feb 19, 2013

In 2013, we are pleased to offer 10 scholarships at the Postgraduate level. MBA Luxury Brand Management (24 weeks in Shanghai + 12 weeks in Paris) 2 x full scholarship, worth €14,800 3 x half scholarship, worth €7,400 MBA Global Fashion Media (24 weeks in Paris + 12weeks in Shanghai) 2 x full scholarship, worth €13,800 3 x half scholarship, worth €6,900 *The scholarship includes tuition fee only. Can I apply? Requirements: Bachelor graduates, preference will be given to candidates with background in Business Administration, Marketing, Media & Communication and Fashion Design related field Past transcript from university education IELTS of above 7.0 (Native English speakers do not need to provide) At least 3 years of relevant working experiences A resume A cover letter of minimum 1000 words on candidate’s motivation to join the course A paper of minimum 5000 words on a choice of topics to be determined Online admission exam Pass the interview with a member of our scholarship award committee Application Deadline: April 2nd, 2013 To get started and receive a scholarship application package, please contact us at scholarship@ifaparis.com with your full name and course title. All of our courses are taught in English, both domestic and international students are eligible to apply. For international students, we accept both IELTS and TOEFL scores.

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