Apr 7, 2013
9:00 AM
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Stenden University Bali offers scholarships for Indonesian students with outstanding study results and a strong interest in hospitality management.
The scholarships are offered for September 2013 intake, with provisions of: 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (full) discount of tuition fees depending on the candidate’s academic achievement, motivation and extra-curricular activities. The above mentioned tuition fees include studying and accommodation for one year in the Netherlands as well as return flight ticket equating up to USD 35,000 in saving over four years.
Must be an Indonesian citizen.
Must be in year 12 or graduated from high school no longer than 2010.
Must have outstanding study results from high school (above average).
Must be highly motivated to study International Hospitality Management at Stenden University Bali.
How to apply
A completed and signed Application Form.
Candidates who are in their year 12 must submit high school transcripts of year 10, 11 and semester 1 of year 12. The transcripts must showcase study results which are above high school average.
Candidates who already graduated from high school must submit complete transcripts of year 10, 11 and 12 and a copy of certified final transcript (UAN or other equivalent final year transcript depending on the school’s curriculum) as well as a copy of certified high school diploma. The transcripts must showcase study results which are above high school average.
IELTS (minimum overall score 6, with no sub scores under 5) or TOEFL (minimum 550 paper based or 79 internet based). Candidates who studied for a minimum of 2 years at a high school where English was the language of instruction are not required to submit IELTS or TOEFL test score.
Motivation letter which explains why the candidate should earn a scholarship. The motivation letter can be up to 1500 words and will serve as a true representation of the candidate’s motivation, but also of the candidate’s best writing by taking into account level of English, content of the letter, writing style, structure of the letter and argumentation.
One recommendation letter of a teacher or school principal demonstrating candidate’s academic competence as well as good character and motivation.
One recommendation letter from a non-academic reference, e.g. company, organization, etc.
Academic awards, certificates of extra courses or other proofs of achievements.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English, containing information about study, work and other (relevant) activities.
One passport sized (4×6) coloured photo.
Copy of KTP or passport.
Please scan and email the above required documents to: stendenunibali@gmail.com. If you wish you can also send them by post to:
Admission Office
Stenden University Bali
Jl. Kubu Gunung, Banjar Tegal Jaya
Dalung, Kuta Utara
Badung, Bali 80361
Application closes 21st June 2013. All candidates will receive notification if they are shortlisted or not on 5th July 2013. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview as the next step of the selection procedure.
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