The Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program (OSEAP) is a need‐based education assistance program designed to provide spouses with financial assistance to pursue educational goals. The purpose of the program is to assist spouses in gaining the education required to allow them to qualify for increased occupational opportunities. Spouses who receive free tuition as a result of their employment will not receive tuition assistance from AER. However, they may apply for assistance for fees, supplies or books (no duplicates) for classes in which they are enrolled.
Spouses must physically reside at overseas residence, and be enrolled, accepted, or pending acceptance as students for the entire term in post‐secondary or vocational institutions under contract at the education office and approved by the U.S. Department of Education. Spouses are not eligible if they are visiting outside the command and take correspondence courses online.
OSEAP is NOT an entitlement or automatically approved. OSEAP does not apply to second undergraduate or graduate level courses.
Attendance under OSEAP need not be full time but must be at institutions approved by the U.S. Department of Education and supported by a contract with the DOD command. Spouses may participate in additional programs as defined in Item. GRADUATE SCHOOLS and OFF POST SCHOOLS are not eligible.
Financial assistance is awarded up to half the cost of tuition per term based on financial need, as evidenced by income, assets, family size, special financial obligations and circumstances with a $500 maximum per academic term. The academic year consists of five terms. Funding of additional programs is explained in Item. The total of all assistance awarded is counted toward the maximum of $2,500 for the academic year.
To be eligible for the Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program (OSEAP), applicants must be a spouse of a Soldier on active duty assigned to an Overseas Command.
The spouse must reside with the Soldier at the Overseas location.
“Active Duty” military personnel are not eligible.
Scholarships deadline
Deadline for each Term application, renewal form and/or supporting documents to AER for AY 2011‐2012:
Term 1 = 18 July 2011 (Fall Session 1)
Term 2 = 19 September 2011 (Fall Session 2)
Term 3 = 12 December 2011 (Spring Session 1)
Term 4 = 13 February 2012 (Spring Session 2)
Term 5 = 7 May 2012 (Summer Session 1)
Scholarships details of Overseas Spouse Education Assistance Program
Sep 22, 2011
9:17 AM
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