Sep 27, 2011


The scholarships aim to provide opportunities for postgraduate study at the U of A for young professionals in early or mid-career, who demonstrate both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision-makers and opinion-formers in Vietnam.

Two scholarships are available for study for the following maximum two-year full-time postgraduate Master’s programs in the below fields.

MSc. in Integrated Petroleum Geosciences
MSc. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (focus on Geology)
MSc. in Physics (focus on Geophysics)
MSc./MEng in Civil and Environmental Engineering (specialization in Petroleum Engineering, Structural Engineering, or Geotechnical Engineering)
MSc./MEng in Chemical and Materials Engineering
MSc./MEng in Mechanical Engineering
MBA, with specialization in Natural Resources, Energy and Environment

Each scholarship provides tuition fee at the U of A, a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only) for maximum two years and return air travel to Vietnam (the return flight must be taken within three weeks of completion of the program of study).


Applicants must:

display intellectual ability and leadership potential;
meet minimum English language standards – IELTS band score 6.5 (with not less than 5.0 in any skill) or paper based TOEFL minimum score of 550 (paper-based) or a total score of 88 with a score of at least 20 on each of the individual skill areas (internet-based).
If you apply for MBA degree, in addition to the English Language skills evidence above, you need to provide either GMAT score minimum 600 (paper-based) or 100 (internet-based) with at least 20 on each of the individual skill area or GRE 1100 total (verbal 450 and quantitative 650)

And will normally be expected to:

have a good academic record. Only candidates with an "excellent" (gioi or xuat sac – 8.0+) or "good" (kha – 7.5+) first degree will be considered.
not already have received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous Government-Funded Scholarship;
not already had the chance of studying in Canada or another developed country;
not already been awarded a university doctorate from another academic institution;
Industry experience would be a plus.

How to apply

Candidates, wishing to be considered for the scholarship should apply to the U of A for the admission to one of the above fields, and then send the following documents to the Talisman office address indicated at the end of these guidelines no later than April 30, 2012:

Completed and signed application form for the scholarship. The form can be downloaded from:
Official admission letter from U of A
Copy of academic records translated into English
Up-to-date CV summarizing qualifications and work experience

For questions about U of A, please contact:
Mr. Dan Fredrick, Manager
Sponsored Student Program
U of A International
International Centre, 172 HUB
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2E1

Scholarships deadline

30 April 2012

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