Sep 27, 2011


Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarships (CUPS) are awarded to students of exceptional research potential undertaking a higher degree by research (HDR) in 2012.


Applicants must:

* be an Australian or New Zealand Citizen; or
* be an Australian Permanent Resident; and
* have completed four years of higher education studies at a high level of achievement;
* hold, or expect to obtain, First Class Honours or equivalent results;
* be enrolled in or accepted to enrol in a Higher Degree by Research as a full-time student in 2012.


The CUPS provides an annual living allowance of $22,860 (2011 value). This stipend is indexed annually and is tax-free unless taken on a part-time basis#. The CUPS also provides a thesis allowance; and a relocation allowance for successful applicants who relocate from another Australian state to take up the award*.
In addition, all successful applicants of the CUPS will receive a Curtin Research Scholarship (CRS) bringing the total scholarship package to $25,000pa tax free.
The Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarship (CUPS) enable study for a period of two years for a Master by Research and three years, with a possible extension of up to six months, for a Doctoral degree.

For further information, is also available from:
Manager, Scholarships
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University
GPO Box U1987
Telephone: (08) 9266 4906
Fax: (08) 9266 3793

Scholarships deadline

31 Oktober 2011

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