Oct 9, 2011

[Australia] Research Scholarship at The University of Queensland
The Centre for Pesticide Application and Safety (CPAS) is a national scientific research and training group located within the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences at The University of Queensland, Gatton campus near Brisbane. It has been working for many years on pesticide exposure research and training, both within Australia and internationally. This is an excellent opportunity for a science/engineering graduate to undertake research in a world leading organisation.

The role
We are seeking PhD or MPhil candidate to join a multi-disciplinary team as part of an Australian Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) project titled `Core DRT (Drift Reducing Technologies) Database to Support the Ground Application of Pesticides (boom sprayer), accommodating Nozzles, Formulations and Adjuvants` This research will be conducted in the pesticide wind tunnel research complex at the Gatton Campus of The University of Queensland.

The person
Applicants, both national and international with an appropriate degree in science or engineering and an interest in the field are invited to apply. Preference will be given to applicants with grounding in plant protection and/or spray technology. For international students, the scholarship will not cover fees, but the applicant may apply for a UQI scholarship for fee support.

The scholarship will provide a stipend of $28,000 per annum for up to 3 years.

To discuss this role please contact Dr Gary Dorr on +61 7 5460 1350 or g.dorr@uq.edu.au. To submit an application for this role, use the Apply button below. All applicants must supply the following documents: a covering letter and curriculum vitae outlining your interest and suitability for this position.

For information on completing the application process click here.

Application closing date: 14 October 2011 11:55pm E. Australia Standard Time


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