[Australia] Sydney Achievers International Scholarships for Postgraduate at The University of Sydney
30 scholarships of AUD$10,000 each, available as a one-off award (total value AUD$10,000) for any Postgraduate Coursework program offered at the University of Sydney.
No living allowance is payable.
Criteria for Eligibility
Applicants must have completed the equivalent of an Australian Bachelor degree qualification with a minimum high distinction average as based on the Australian grading system. Students who have already commenced postgraduate studies, or students transferring from other postgraduate programs are not eligible.
Application Procedure
No separate application for a scholarship is necessary. An Application for Admission to the University of Sydney in 2012 will constitute an application for a scholarship. All applications meeting the selection and eligibility criteria will be automatically considered.
The deadline for receipt of applications and complete supporting documentation (academic and English language proficiency results) is 31 October 2011 for Semester 1, 2012, and 30 April 2012 (for Semester 2, 2012). Applications received after these deadlines will not be considered.
Selection Criteria
Selection will be based strictly on academic merit as per the University`s admission requirements. Selection will be based on actual results (academic and English language proficiency). Predicted/forecast results will not be considered. Only applicants with firm, unconditional offers of admission will be considered. Selection will be made by the University`s Scholarship Selection Committee, whose decision will be final. No appeals will be entertained.
Successful candidates will be informed in December 2011 (Semester 1, 2012) and June 2012 (Semester 2. 2012). Successful candidates applying through UAC will be informed in January 2012.
Undergraduate scholarship recipients will need to maintain satisfactory academic progress, which, for the purposes of retaining the scholarship, is defined as maintaining a credit average (at least 65%) or more each year. Failure to do so may result in the scholarship being terminated.
Successful candidates:
* must not be in receipt of any other tuition scholarship;
* must commence study in 2012 – commencement may not be deferred;
* will be required to pay for their own airfares to Sydney, living expenses, study materials, text books, any ancillary fees (if applicable) and Overseas Student Health Cover each year;
* are also responsible for paying the balance of the tuition fees each year;
* are required to enrol as full-time international students and must maintain their international student status on a full-time basis throughout their enrolment at the University of Sydney;
* may not be entitled to a `Leave of Absence` during the duration of the scholarship, unless it is due to extenuating circumstances.
The University of Sydney reserves the right to make changes to this scholarships program without notice and at its discretion.
Oct 9, 2011
5:13 AM
[Australia] Sydney Achievers International Scholarships for Postgraduate at The University of Sydney
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