Oct 26, 2011

Chinese Government Scholarship is a scholarship set up by the Chinese government to facilitate students and scholars from all over the world to conduct their study and research in Chinese universities. The scholarship aims to increase the mutual understanding and friendship between people of China and people from the rest of the world and to develop the communication and cooperation between China and the rest of the world in the field of Education, Technology, Culture and Economics.

From the year 2008 under approval of the Ministry of Education of China, Nanjing University will start to offer Chinese Government Scholarships to outstanding master or PhD students. Nanjing University is one of the top universities in China under the direct supervision of Ministry Education of China. Nanjing University was founded in the year 1902 and it is well-known for its strong academic portfolio and outstanding professors.

Nanjing University is located in the heart of a historical city Nanjing. It is surrounded by a beautiful scenery, excellent environment and accessible transportation. The University is currently host to 23 schools and 65 departments offering 162 majors for master degrees and 93 PhD degrees. A master degree takes 3 years while a PhD degree takes 3 to 4 years. Nanjing University uses a credit system, acquiring the total number of credits for the degree and successfully passing the oral defense of the Graduation Paper for a student to graduate.


1. Academic Background: Applicant must have completed a four-year undergraduate degree for master degree pursuer and a master degree or equivalent for PhD degree pursuer.
2. Chinese Language: Applicant must be willing to learn Chinese language, if applicable, and receive education in Chinese language.
3. Health: Applicant must be mentally and physically healthy.

Students currently studying in China are not applicable. Students who have been granted for other Chinese scholarship or funding(2012-2013) are not applicable.

Scholarship will be tenable for three years and four years from the date of award for masters’ degree and PhD degree, respectively. One-year preparatory education in Chinese language prior to grantees’ study of his major will be provided with full scholarship benefits if deemed necessary.


1. Allowance: Grantee will be provided a monthly stipend of RMB 1,700 and RMB 2,000 for masters’ degree student and PhD degree student, respectively.
2. School Fees: Fees for matriculation and tuition will be paid by the Chinese government.
3. Health Insurance: A health insurance will be provided to the grantee by CSC for the entire duration of his/her scholarship.
4. Accommodation: A free accommodation will be provided to a grantee in the International Dormitory of the University for the entire duration of the scholarship.

Applicants must log on the on-line application system to do an on-line registration and application(laihua.csc.edu.cn). After fill in the application form on-line (facility code for Nanjing University is 10284), applicant must click the “submit” button and print out application from the application system. After the on-line application is complete, applicants must submit the following documents to the Scholarship Coordinator (address below) by the required date. The submitted documents will not be returned.

1. Printed Applicationform with recent photograph
2. Certified true-copy of Academic transcript and Diploma of highest degree obtained (English Translation is need if transcript and diploma were in language other than Chinese and English)
3. Two recommendation letter from adviser/professor of the last school attended
4. Medical certificate
5. Printed “Code for International Scholarship Students of Nanjing University” with applicant’s signature.

The above documents must be written in English. Any document written in any other language must be attached with an English or Chinese translation.

Applications are accepted from October 15th 2011 to December 15th 2011. Notification of successful applicants will be posted on the official web site of the Institute for International Students Nanjing University in March 2012. School year starts from 1st of September, 2012.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Miss Zhou Chunyue
Scholarship Coordinator
Institute for International Students
Nanjing University, 22 Hankou Rd
Nanjing, P.R.C. 210093
Tel. +86-25-83593586;Fax:+86-25-83316747
Email: zhoucy@nju.edu.cn

For more information, please visit official website: hwxy.nju.edu.cn

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