Oct 17, 2011

France: Postdoctoral Positions, Applied Mathematics, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan (PARIS)
High-Performance Gas-liquid Finite Volume Lagrange-Remap solvers on Graphics Processing Units
Fluid Mechanics Group, CMLA ENS CACHAN

Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH)
Contact: Prof. Florian De Vuyst
devuyst[ at ]cmla.ens-cachan.fr
Location : Center for Mathematical Studies and their Applications (CMLA)
University: Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan (PARIS)
Duration: 2 years

Application form: see the Sophie Germain International Post-doctoral scholarship program at

Deadlines: Applications for the 2012-2013 FMJH program postdoc are open from Monday, October 10 th 2011 until Monday, December 5 th 2011 . Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection process in the mid-January 2012.

Eligibility criteria: All students who have or will have completed a PhD in Applied Mathematics.

Keywords: finite volume schemes, hyperbolic systems, Lagrange-remap schemes, highperformance
computing, computational fluid dynamics, graphics processing units, GPGPU, CUDA
programming language.

Scientific objectives: design and implement a high-performance 2D Lagrange-remap finite volume solver suitable for Graphics Processing Units (GPU) or General Purpose GPU architectures.

Experience in nVIDIA CUDA programming is welcome. Foreseens applications are: general industrial gas-liquid multiphase flow engineeering, pipe flows, waves, wastewater treatment.

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