Oct 3, 2011

Applications are invited from outstanding Pakistani/AJK nationals for the award of scholarships in the following fields for Masters leading to PhD / PhD:
Minimum Eligibility Criteria:

* Pakistani/AJK nationals.
* Candidates must have a minimum of sixteen years of education (MS/MSc, B.E/BSc/BS (Engg), or equivalent) with a first division or 2.5/4 CGPA or 3.5/5 scores whichever is applicable.
* A maximum of two second-division passes throughout the academic career prior to the final degree (refer to Clause No. 2.)
* Not less than 50% marks throughout the academic career.
* Maximum age on 21.10.2011 should be 35 years for all others and 40 years for full time regular faculty members of public sector Universities/Colleges and employees of the public sector R & D organizations.
* Candidates must have acquired the requisite academic qualifications on or before 21.10.2011.
* Candidates who already hold any other HEC scholarship offer are not eligible to apply.

* Financial aid for education
* Education financial aid
* Economics
* Economic
* Graduates

Local GRE/GAT (General) Test:

1. Eligible candidates who have appeared in the GAT-General tests conducted by the National Testing Service (NTS) and obtained 50% or above marks (Accumulative Raw Score) should attach a copy of the NTS result card with the application.
2. GAT (General) test score is valid for two years from the date of test appearance

Scholarhips deadline

21 Oktober 2011

Scholarships details of HRD Scholarship for Pakistani nationals

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