Oct 3, 2011


Currently, we are looking to fill a position at the level of graduate student (“AIO”, 4 years of PhD research) within the Developmental Biology division.
The PhD position is funded by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Earth and Life Sciences (NWO-ALW). The PhD research project uses the C. elegans zygote as a model and aims to obtain further insight in the regulatory network that controls asymmetric cell division. For additional information: see: website.; Galli et al Nature Cell Biol. 2011, van der Voet et al, Nature Cell Biol 2009, Galli and van den Heuvel; Ann. Rev. Genetics 2008; Wildwater et al, Development, 2011).
The research will be guided by Prof. dr. Sander van den Heuvel, and applies a variety of approaches, including genetics and live imaging in C. elegans, mass spectrometry, cell biology, yeast two-hybrid assays, and possibly studies with cells in culture and computational modeling.


We are looking for a highly motivated and talented individual with a strong interest and proven record in developmental biology, molecular biology and/or genetics. You communicate easily in English, both verbally and in writing, and are eager to work within a team of enthusiastic researchers. Appointment as a PhD research student requires a MSc. degree or equivalent.

Additional information

Additional information about the position can be obtained from the project leader, Prof. dr S.J.L. van den Heuvel. e-mail: s.j.l.vandenHeuvel@uu.nl. Tel. +31 30 253 3573.
For more information on the research performed, please visit the website of the Developmental Biology division
Scholarships deadline

15 Oktober 2011

Scholarships details of PhD Researcher (AIO) Molecular Genetics of C. elegans Stem Cell Division

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