Oct 3, 2011

  • 6:37 AM
  • admin


The Dorrance Continuing Education Scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to those Dorrance Community College Scholars who wish to pursue a Bachelor‘s Degree upon completion of their Associate’s degree or an approved program of study. Scholarship awards are for one year of study at an Arizona public university and are renewable.

Please review our website for a full description of the scholarship program.
This award is for up to $30,000 total over 3 years (nine semesters including summer sessions):

* $5,000 per semester for full time (12 credit hours) enrollment; $2,500 per semester for part-time (9-11 credit hours) or summer session enrollment.


* Courses Offered
* Community college scholarship
* Financial Assistance
* Business plan templates

Please review the eligibility requirements below and ensure that you meet ALL criteria. Applicants who do not meet minimum requirements will not be considered by the selection committee.


Recipient of the Dorrance Maricopa Community College Scholarship.

Submission of the Dorrance Continuing Education Scholarship Application.

Completion of an Associate’s Degree, or an approved program of study, with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75.

Accepted by and plan to enroll as a student at an Arizona public university.

Planning to complete 24 hours per academic year.

Demonstrated financial need as exhibited by the FAFSA (www.fafsa.edu.gov)

Evidence of high motivation, determination to succeed, potential leadership and/or community involvement as demonstrated by one letter of recommendation from your Maricopa Community Colleges Dorrance Scholarship Advisor, and a personal essay of no more than 500 words.

Questions about your eligibility or completing this application should be directed to the Director of the Dorrance Scholarship Programs at 602.682.2020.

Amount Awarded


Scholarships deadline

4 November 2011

Contact E-mail


Scholarships details of Dorrance Continuing Education Scholarship Fall

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