Oct 3, 2011
6:36 AM
Leiden Observatory and the Leids Universiteitfonds have pleasure in inviting applications for the fifth J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize.
Mrs. Naomi Greenberg and family members of the late Professor J. Mayo Greenberg, the distinguished Leiden astrophysicist, have generously provided funds for this scholarship in memory of Professor Greenberg. Additional funding is provided by the Kruytbosch Legacy, the Leids Universiteitfonds and Leiden Observatory.
The purpose of the prize is to provide an opportunity for a talented graduate student to carry out research and/or receive education at Leiden Observatory in one or more of the fields that were of interest to Professor Greenberg. These include:
* Laboratory astrophysics,
* Dust in the early Universe,
* Dust in the Milky Way and other galaxies
* Comet formation,
* Origin of life.
Although applications will be considered from the whole world, preference will be given to applicants resident in developing countries. Candidates should have sufficient educational background in the field to benefit from attendance at graduate courses or participation in the research.
The Scholarship Prize will support a visit to Leiden for a maximum duration of 9 months. In very exceptional circumstances there may be a possibility of extending the visit for a longer period.
How to Apply
Applications for the 2012 Prize should be received before 30 November 2011. These should include (i) a curriculum vitae, with details of relevant background, (ii) a statement containing the purpose for which the grant is requested and (iii) a motivation for the request. Applicants should arrange for 2 – 3 references to be sent under separate cover.
Applications should be addressed to:
Professor G.K. Miley,
Chairman, Selection Committee,
J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize,
Postbus 9513, 2300 RA Leiden,
Applications should preferably be sent via email to drost@strw.leidenuniv.nl, with the relevant documentation as attachments in MSWord, latex, pdf or postcript format.
Scholarships deadline
31 December 2011.
Scholarships details of J Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize
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