[Japan] Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)
This scholarship aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of The Asian Development Bank (ADB)`s developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in development-related fields. Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) was selected as a new designated institution by ADB in 2010, and will provide the scholarship to a few eligible applicants to APU`s Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies (GSA) each year.
1. Major Field of Study: The applicant must apply for one of APU`s GSA master`s programs, however, the IMAT Program does not qualify for this scholarship.
2. Nationality and Residence: Applicants must be nationals of ADB developing member countries. (See www.adb.org/Countries for a list) Applicants living or working in a country other than their home country are not eligible for this scholarship.
3. Age: Applicants must be not more than 35 years of age at the time of application.
4. Professional Experience: At least two years of full-time professional work experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application.
5. Educational Background: The scholarship will, in principle, not support applicants to pursue a second master`s degree.
6. Income: Family income should not be more than US$50,000 per year and individual income should not be more than US$25,000 per year.
7. Obligations: Recipients of this scholarship should agree to return to their home country after completion of studies under the Program.
*Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are excluded from consideration.
* Full Admission Fee
* Full Tuition
* A monthly subsistence allowance of 160,000 yen (*amount subject to change for 2012) to cover living expenses, including housing, books, and thesis/research (*see (2) in “Notes”)
* Economy class air travel between the home country and APU at the start of the study program and one return journey following the end of the overall scholarship period.
Additional Required Documents
1. Certificate(s) of Employment for at least two years of work experience acquired after a university degree
2. Abstracts of previous theses or example of previous written work and/or list of research achievements to date
3. The applicant`s latest Income Tax Return or Certification of their Annual/Monthly Salary, whichever is available
4. Certification of Family Income (including the income of applicant`s parents or spouse)
5. ADB-JSP Information Sheet Form downloadable from: www.adb.org/JSP/procedures.asp
Application Deadline
30th March 2012
Application Process
Please submit APU`s “Graduate School Application Form for 2012 Admission” (an application can be submitted through APU`s online application system in place of this form) along with the attached “Application for Fall 2012 External Scholarships for APU Graduate Schools”. Read the “Admissions Handbook” carefully and follow all of the regular instructions for an APU Graduate School application.
Graduate School Admissions Handbook and Application Form for 2012 [pdf]
Application for Fall 2012 External Scholarships for APU Graduate Schools[pdf]
Contact Detail
Admissions Office
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu City
Oita Prefecture
874-8577, JAPAN
(+81) 0977 78 1119
Fax: (+81) 0977 78 1121
e-mail: apugrad@apu.ac.jp
Oct 9, 2011
5:01 AM
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