Nov 16, 2011

St Cross College, together with the Faculty of History offers the following scholarships to students who will study for the MSc or MPhil in Economic and Social History at Oxford University in the academic year 2012-2013. Funds for this award has been made available by the Institute for the History of Monetary Winton in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

This scholarship is open to all students taking the Master's degree in Economic and Social History (starting in Michaelmas 2012) at St. Cross, who intend to do a dissertation on a topic closely related to the history of monetary and / or finances. This scholarship will cover the cost of College fees (currently £ 2,426 per year) - were awarded purely on the basis of academic ability and maintained at St Cross College only.

Applicants applying for a Master's degree in Economic and Social History in 2012-2013 must register for a place in the Faculty of History using the standard application form and must list the University of St. Cross School as their first choice. The deadline for applications January 20, 2012. Every person who applies for a Master's degree in Economic and Social History and lists St Cross as their first choice college and who applies at any time before the scholarship deadline will be considered automatically.

For more information, please visit the official site:

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