Dec 29, 2011

European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (TCCM), Erasmus Mundus - Chemical Theory and Computational Modelling (TCCM) The teacher is an initiative of 47 European institutions from 8 different European countries which aims to:

Europe sets the standard for research-oriented studies in the TCCM.
Prepare an expert in the use and development of computational techniques in molecular science, to work with innovative petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and new industrial materials.
Prepare students for doctoral studies in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or Life.
Promoting the international mobility of research students.
Offer for students from various countries (including non-European) titles are highly qualified at postgraduate level.

Master can be accessed by students having Degree in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science or equivalent where permitted by the laws of European countries as appropriate. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided that students take courses leveling complementary, under the supervision of the local tutor.

The European TCCM Master spread over two years and in accordance with 120 ECTS credits.

The first year (M1) will be taken at the student's home institution, and will be devoted to providing students with a background in Chemistry and Theoretical and Computational Modeling in advanced aspects in various fields of chemistry. In the first year students must take a course and pass an examination related to 60 ECTS credits. This course will provide students with the necessary background to follow the second year of the Master, which has a marked international character of research.

The second year (M2), most international, is devoted to programs and research activities in advanced aspects of Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling, and in their application to the most important fields of modern Chemistry, Materials Science and Biology. For this purpose all students will take, mandatory, four-week Intensive Course which will be followed by 10 weeks of tutorial work in the home to the Institute to complete 30 credits ECTS. The second part of the M2 will be devoted to an introduction to the study, equivalent to 30 ECTS credits. Part of this research should be done outside the country, a number of different countries Consortium of Institutions Institutions of the house. To this end, each student will conduct research projects, under the supervision of a local tutor, and in close collaboration with tutors at the host institution. The teacher will end up with a Master Thesis defense.

Erasmus Mundus scholarship to study Masters in TCCM will be available each year to Third Countries (Category A scholarships) and European students (Category B scholarships). Both types of grants include tuition scholarships and grants, including category A is also an insurance for two years from the Master. Students will receive a monthly payment of, per year, for 6000 € for European students and € 12,000 for students * Third Countries, which will also be supported to travel from country of origin and the installation at the destination.

Who can apply?
Requirements for admission in Master TCCM is:

Bachelor in Chemistry, Physics or Materials, 1 or equivalent, if permitted by the laws of European countries as appropriate. Other scientific bachelors can be accepted, provided that students take courses leveling complementary, under the supervision of his / her local tutor.
Internationally recognized certificate of English proficiency equivalent to a minimum TOEFL score of 213/500, 65/120 or 513/677, IELTS score of at least 6, Cambridge First Certificate or B2.

The same criteria apply to students who come from Europe and from third countries.

For students coming from third countries or have a different Bachelor's degree from that mentioned above, the following property (or equivalent) subjects at the level of need certified Eurobachelor Chemistry:
Chemical Bonding, Atomic and Molecular Structure and Intermolecular Interactions, General Physics, Mathematics, General Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Spectroscopy.

Some deficiencies can be corrected through leveling. However, if there are deficiencies in more than two regions, the applicant will not be accepted.

How to apply?
Interested students must fill out and submit on-line application form appropriate to be published each year in the web page of the Master, for both Category A and B Erasmus Mundus scholarships (Third Country and European students). The required supporting documents must be sent by electronic mail to

Admissions and selection of Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holders conducted by the International Committee of TCCM. The evaluation carried out in accordance with the information provided in the application form, supported by the following documents:

A letter of motivation
A CV, including full academic information (degree, this study showed signs obtained, the level of English language and all the information the applicant may consider relevant).
An English transcript of academic records (and the documents that describe the subject of study at the university level and marks obtained, with particular attention to those listed above, for the degree is not granted in Europe or different from Physics, Chemistry or Materials Science).
English transcription of the diploma to be considered (1).
An internationally recognized test of English levels.
A copy of passport
A letter in conformity with the guidelines call (template to be provided)
Name, address and e-mail from 2 Teacher / researcher who could be contacted for reference

All students must enroll in one of seven universities in the Consortium TCCM:

Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain (coordinating institution)
University of Valencia, Spain
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
University of Perugia, Italy
University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France
University of Porto, Portugal

Therefore, they must provide a list of their preferences with a rating of at least four of them, from 1 (preference for) to 4 (lowest preference).

All this information must be submitted electronically to the Coordinator of the Master ( before January 31 for the two countries, the Third and the EU-EEA students, in accordance with the procedures established for each call in the web pages of the Master.

Please note that if the applicant received the Master, he / she will need to provide mandatorily, certified copies of academic records and corresponding certificates (legalized in accordance with existing regulations between home and host countries) and English proficiency certificate.

Deadline: January 31, 2012

For more information, please visit the official site:

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