Dec 17, 2011

To strengthen the capacity of broadcast journalists, print and online and the organizations they work for to use the Internet for the purpose of research, publication and distribution.

Journalism and the Internet
The Internet is a medium that appeals to journalists and media organizations. Journalists can find lots of information, previously difficult to obtain, which can help them in their research and keep following the events and trends. Speed ​​internet and the growing ubiquity (thanks also to the emergence of mobile phones) means that the first media reporter for the story they appear. On the internet they can present their news with new and exciting ways, supported by additional background material, using a variety of media, and stored in a file and archive for later retrieval. The rapid evolution of interactive technology and social media also means that, more than ever, journalists can engage with their viewers and readers.

As an integrated media publication, distribution and communications, in which, traditionally a clear division between text, audio, graphics, and video are blurred, the Internet raises many challenges. Journalists, who see themselves first and foremost as a print or broadcast journalist now working as 'content providers' in the multimedia newsroom, producing materials for a variety of different media platforms.

The principles of interactivity and non-linearity requires that information to the Internet must be ordered and presented differently. Multimedia nature also makes demands of the organization. The new structure should be designed to cope with new ways of production, publication and distribution. New way of working poses a challenge to established work practices and attitudes. New business models must be developed and adopted.

Because the Internet is a relatively young medium, there are a lot of experimentation and innovation occur. The emergence of social networks, 'civic journalism' and the success of 'YouTube' means that the Internet has also become well-established competitors mainstream media for the attention of audiences and readers around the world. These developments are also changing the traditional role of journalists as well as their relationships with audiences and readers. To be able to face the challenges of the 21st century, it is important that media organizations and people who work to adapt to the changes and incorporate them in the way they work.

Methodology: learning by doing
This course will be dedicated to allow journalists to work as a journalist participating Internet / producer. The focus will be on content rather than on technical skills. Attention will be paid to two main principles of the Internet: information and communication. Particular emphasis will be placed on three main principles of a multimedia environment: a mixture of multimedia, interactivity and non-linearity. Emphasis will be on learning by doing, focusing on the theory and practice. In addition to attending training sessions and workshops, participants will be sent on a number of radio or television location task.

Potential and use of the Internet as a source of information will be explored (the Internet as a research tool), and the option to be used as a medium of communication, publication and distribution are analyzed and applied to specific situations of the participants. Possibilities and advantages of the Internet - as well as some drawbacks - for journalists and the organizations they work for will be highlighted.

Participants will be from different professional media (radio, television, print, online). The purpose of the course is to go beyond the boundaries and combining disciplines in search of the ideal of a multimedia journalist. Participants will gain knowledge about the importance of web design (structure, interactions and lay-out) and skills for website development and for production to the Internet, such as writing a non-linear, interactive pieces, create graphics and produce audio and video. Participants will analyze examples of existing websites that are attached to newspapers, magazines and broadcasting organizations.

How to apply?
We warmly welcome you to apply for this course. In the event of a problem with your application, please contact us at

Self-pay or sponsored candidates only applies to RNTC. Nationals of 60 countries can apply for the NFP-fellowship, provided by the Dutch government. They apply to both RNTC and NFP.

Who can apply?
All RNTC program is targeted at media professionals from developing countries and countries in transition. If you work for a media organization, or an organization that works with the media, you can apply. For all of our programs, the following requirements apply:

1. You have a minimum of three years work experience in the media
2. your employer supports your participation in training
3. You have followed secondary education, and professional education or training in media
4. You used to work with computers
5. You speak and write in English (language courses) are quite

There are no restrictions on the age of the applicant or the maximum number of participants from one organization or country. For most of our programs, we have additional requirements, related to the course content.

The target group
This course is designed for mid-career print, online and broadcast journalists, with at least three years experience in the field with special emphasis on the Internet.

The cost of courses and fellowship
To cover the costs of participation, you have three choices:

1. You or your organization covers costs. Upon request, we will give you detailed information about the costs involved from the program of your choice (
2. You will find a sponsor or a grant to participate (for more information, visit:
3. You will apply for a Fellowship under the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)

Netherlands Fellowship Programme
Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) are demand-driven fellowship program designed to encourage capacity building in organizations by providing training and education to their mid-career staff members. NFP-scholarship covers your travel expenses, accommodation and course fees. NFP is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the budget for development cooperation, and is run by NUFFIC, the Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education. Half of the available scholarships awarded to women, and simultaneously, half of the available budget is spent on candidates from sub-Saharan Africa. Apart from this, priority will be given to candidates from the deficiencies and / or from marginalized regions.

Who is eligible for NFP?
To be eligible for scholarships under the Netherlands Fellowship Program you must meet the following criteria:

* You aa national of one of the following 60 countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Palestine Autonomous Region, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Colombia, Costa Rica , Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mali, Moldova , Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
* You do not apply more than one program with NFP application deadline is the same
* You are not employed by a multinational, UN organizations, World Bank, IMF, bilateral donors or multinational organization, or a large national and / or commercial organizations
* You have not received two NFP fellowships for short courses in the past
* You have not received NFP fellowships for short courses in the year prior to application of this fellowship

Application Procedure
1) Select the course you want to apply for
2) Check if you qualify under the selection criteria and the courses are of course still open for applications
3) Download the application form RNTC (see bottom of this page), fill it and send it to RNTC by post, by fax or email. We will send confirmation that we have received it.

* Postal address: Secretariat Course RNTC, P.O. Box 303, 1200 AH Hilversum, the Netherlands
* Fax: + 31 35 6724531
* Email:

Please note: if you send your application via email you will need to scan portions of the application that requires your employer and your signature, you also will need to scan / relevant diploma qualification and send them as attachments.

4) If you want to apply for a NFP fellowship and qualify, you can fill out and submit your application NFP online or on paper.

* Online: (The following application form after you answer a knock out of the question) in NFP Scholarship Online (SOL) website. Problems with your application? Check the manual.
* Paper: You can find the application form at You must send the form to NUFFIC, the NFP-Team, PO Box 29777, 2502 LT The Hague, Netherlands

If you have questions about the NFP application procedure, check out the FAQ on the Nuffic website.

5) If you submit your application online NFP or on paper, make sure that you do so before the deadline for online applications and paper (previous month). You can find the application deadline on the course-page.

6) Allow 12-16 weeks from the deadline for the online application process will be completed NFP application. You will be notified automatically good if your application is rejected and if successful. All applicants NFP (online and on paper) will be able to check the status of their applications by logging on to the website SOL.

Course dates: September 10 - October 19, 2012
Media: Radio, Television and the Internet
Type of Diploma: Certificate
RNTC application deadline: January 15, 2012
NFP application: online between November 1, 2011 and February 1, 2012 (on the paper until January 1, 2012)
Deadline for application of non: July 15, 2012

For more information, please visit the official site:

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