Feb 14, 2012

KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Chung-Ang University, Korea
Admission Schedule
Deadline of Application document submission : By March 16, 2012(Fri) * subject to change

Eligibility for Application, Required Documentation and Application Procedure : the same as the 2012 KGSP application guideline

Campus Life (Residence Hall)
Chung-Ang University houses Korean Government scholars in the new student dormitory which opened in fall 2010. Both Korean and internationla students live in the dormitory to provide an international atmosphere. The Monthly rent is around $300USD for a room with four beds and $350USD for a room with two beds. The price includes meal coupons.

Important Notes

All application documents must be original or properly certified copies of the originals.
All documents (except a copy of passport, ID and alien registration card) in a language other than English or Korean must be accompanied by a notarized English or Korean translation.
All submitted documents will not be returned.

Graduate school http://caugs.cau.ac.kr/
Graduate schoolf of advanced imaging science, multimedia & film http://www.gsaim.cau.ac.kr
GSIS http://gsis.cau.ac.kr/ Global HRD http://globalhrd.cau.ac.kr
MBA school http://mba.cau.ac.kr

Chung-Ang University
Address: Graduate School of Chung-Ang University, Bldg no. 302
221, Heukseok, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul 156-756, Korea
Website: http://www.cau.ac.kr/

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