Feb 15, 2012

KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea
Academic Program (Graduate)

Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Science and Mechanics
Intelligent Mechanical Engineering
Systems Engineering and Engineering
Electronic Engineering
IT Convergence Engineering
Computer Engineering
Software Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Polymer Science and Engineering
Engineering Materials Design
Applied Chemistry
Business Administration

Registration Schedule

Period 26.03.2012 (Monday) 09:00 ~ 04:06 (Friday) 17:00
Anouncement 04.30.2012 (Monday)
Register 27/08/2012 (Monday) ~ 08:30 (Mon)

Application Requirements

Teacher Candidates: Foreign students whose parents are foreigners and have a bachelor's degree or expected
Doctoral candidates: Foreign students whose parents are foreigners and have a Master's degree or expected

Campus Life (Residence Hall)

Fall Semester 2012: September 3 - December 21, 2012
2 students or 4 students room together
cost: about 800 to $ 1,000
food: every lunch & dinner included
Free Korean language classes are open to int'l students
Korean tourist culture has to offer

Important Note

Any document required to be translated into Korean or English
The original copy of the document must be verified when a copy of the document is received
In the case of registration to-be-graduates, applicants must submit a certificate of graduation at the latest
Admission will be canceled if the documents are forged
All documents will not be refunded
Additional documents may be required on a case by case
Applicants must immediately inform their contact numbers in case of changes. Communication cut-off is the responsibility of the applicant.
Announcement of acceptance will be released through the KIT website and will not be informed individually
Products not mentioned above will be followed by a committee of the Graduate School of KIT

Office of Graduate School / International Office
Kumoh National Institute of Technology
61 Daehakro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 730-701, South Korea
Tel: +82-54-478-7014 / +82-54-478-7215
Fax: +82-54-478-7020 / +82-54-478-7222
E-mail: jhyang@kumoh.ac.kr

Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Address: 61 Daehakro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, South Korea
Website: www.kumoh.ac.kr

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